A day with Peggy

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Your pov (8 month of being pregnant)
It has been an interesting 8 months, though I was looking forward to the day my child was born. Thomas was thinking of names, he hoped for a girl. Honestly I didn't care, as long as we were a functional and happy family. Peggy visited often, the sisters presented us with gifts and clothes. I could hardly wait till my child was born.


I heard a knock on the door, I opened it to see Peggy bouncing excitedly. "Well it took you long Enough." I said with a smirk. She laughed as I let her in, one of the servants made tea. I sat at the table with her, sally set the tea down in front us. "Thank you Sally." I said politely. "Ok so I said in my letter I had met someone." She said with a grin. "Oh and who is this lucky man?" I asked, slightly curious. She sighed in response, looking very love struck. "Hercules Mulligan, he's a tailor." I nodded, interested in what he was like. "I had brought in my dress to get it fixed, and he talked with me as he worked. Anyway one thing lead to another and now we are courting." I squealed in response, she giggled a bit. "I'm so happy for you Peg, let me know when he proposes." I say jokingly. She laughed, I did as well. "Ok let's not go that far, we met only a few days ago." I smiled, but that smile quickly faded. Peggy looked at me with a confused yet worried. "Y/N, are you alright? What's wrong?" My eyes widened, my dress was soaked. "Get Thomas a-and a doctor." I replied in a shaky voice, she jumped up and ran down the hall. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. "Ahh, SALLY!" I called, she and two other girls rushed to my side. I was rushed to the bedroom, Peggy by my side.

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