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Thomas pov
Raising three four year old girls was difficult. Luckily, they all behaved pretty well. We had gotten the hang of it, but I could tell Y/N wasn't getting enough sleep. She fell asleep on the couch on more than one occasion. And she almost always has bags under her eyes. It was a pitiful sight really; I wrote a letter to James explaining her condition. James wrote back, he offered to help Y/N with the girls while I was at work. Y/N of course felt guilty that James was taking time off work to come help her.
Your pov
Finally I had gotten the girls to nap, I went out into the kitchen to eat some lunch. Of course James being the kind friend he is, took it upon himself to make it. "James, that's really sweet, thank you." I said sitting down. "After lunch I think I'll take a nap is that ok?" I asked looking at him, but he just smiled. "Don't worry Y/N, I got the girls. Go get some rest." I nodded. After lunch I collapsed on the bed and fell asleep. A little while later I was awoken by Lizzie. "Mommy, Uncle James said daddy would be home soon." I opened my eyes and yawned sleepily. "Ok Lizzie, I'll be there in a minute." She smiled and left the room. I walked downstairs to see all the girls coloring as James read a book and watched them. I sat down next to them and watched. Their adorable little smiles lite up the room. A soon as their drawings were done I put them in a box, Thomas came home soon after.

So I have started a Michael X Reader (Be more Chill) if you want to check that out. Stay weird -An Author

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