Spring Ball

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Thomas pov

After a boy caught Anna's eye, I knew she and my other daughters would get married soon. Though I did want to speed up the process by finding them suitors, Y/N forbid it. She didn't want our daughters to get stuck with an abusive pig who only used her for my money. Frankly I agreed, but I did find a loophole. I decided to throw a ball in may, Y/N agreed but she still forbid me to pressure or find young men for the girls. She wanted the girls to do this on her own, and I wanted them to be happy with the man they chose.


your pov

I was downtown with Peggy and the girls, she was helping me buy dresses. Of course she took us straight to Hercules. We stepped into the shop, the girls rushed over to him. "Uncle Herc!" Exclaimed Tacie. They practically tackled him when they hugged him. "Well if it isn't my favorite nieces, I assume you're here to get dresses for the ball?" All three nodded. Herc walked over to me and Peg. "Nice to see you again Y/N. How is Thomas?" "Just fine thank you, its nice to see you too. How much will it cost for three dresses?" I ask pulling out the money, but he stopped me. "That won't be necessary, you are family to us." I gasped then shook my head. "Are you sure? I don't want to make the dresses for free." I say in a guilt ridden voice. He only smiled and nodded. I talked to Peggy as he worked, she said not to feel bad. But I couldn't help it, they have shown such kindness to us. She did say she would come to the ball, which made me happy.

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