A night to charish

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Your pov

It was finally Wednesday, I had my dress on and my hair done. I smiled as I heard a knock at the door. James answered it, I saw Thomas in his usual magenta suit but in a darker shade. I gracefully glided down the stairs, my dress trailing behind me. I look at James who nodded and raised his eyebrows. "What, you gonna tell me to be home by sundown?" I said sarcastically. James smiled and rolled his eyes, while Thomas held back a giggle. I took Thomas's hand as we walked to the carriage. We arrived at a fancy little restaurant up town. There weren't many people so it was quite and peaceful. We talked and flirted a bit, he was certainly kind as well as understanding. I asked about France while he asked about what North Carolina was like, I swear he could talk for hours and I wouldn't get tired of it. Eventually we had to pay and leave, before I left we took a walk in the park. For some reason, the stars seemed to shine brighter that night. We sat on a bench in peaceful silence before I felt him put his arm around me. I blushed for a second, then I rest my head on his shoulder. I sat up and looked him in the eyes, his face got closer to mine. Soon I felt his lips against mine, I smiled and kissed back. We stood there for what seemed like hours before Thomas pulled away. I blushed and looked down a bit, he put his hand under my chin, lifting it so he could make eye contact. Then he asked a question, a simple yet complicated question. "Court me?" I saw a light shade of pink dust his face. "Of course Thomas." He took me home and James teased me a bit before going to bed. As for me, I began to write to Thomas.

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