He's Home

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Your pov
"Y/N, would you like to have another child?"
One month later I was once again living the pregnant life. Thomas still treated me like royalty, I rarely got to do things myself. I didn't really mind though. Aurora had grown up as well; she was a fairly large dog with blond fur. She would usually sit beside me while I read. "Y/N, dinner time love." Thomas said from behind me. I quickly finished the letter I was writing to James. I started to stand up when Thomas picked me up. "Thomas I'm just pregnant, I think I can walk." I say with a grin, he just smirked and continued to carry me. "But it's fun to carry you." He stated as he walked down the stairs. We got to the kitchen and he set me down; that's when we heard a knock at the door. "Are you gonna let me answer that? Or will we have to race to the door?" I said with a smirk, he only chuckled and sat at the table. But when I opened the door, I found my son. He was smiling at me and his bright E/C eyes were filled with joy. Tears rolled down my face as I hugged him, he hugged back but not too tight. "Charles, oh how I've missed you!" I cried into his shoulder. "Mother come on, I was only gone for about 8 months." He said as I dragged him into the house. "Thomas! Come quick!" I yelled. I heard thumping as he ran out into the living room. "Darling are you ok? Is it the baby? Are you hurt? What-Charlie!" He cried. Charles embraced his father, even Thomas shed a few tears. Charlie ate dinner with us and we told him the wonderful news, he said he would stay for a week then he would have to head back home. My son, was finally home.

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