Plays and plans

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Your pov
I opened my eyes to find Thomas next to me. His arms where around my waist and he smiled at me. "Morning little lamb, I see you finally decided to wake up* I smiled and kissed his cheek. A few moments later, we got out of bed. As I tied a ribbon around my waist to tighten my nightgown, Thomas picked me up and carried me downstairs; Aurora trailing behind us. He set me down at the bottom of the stairs and guides me to the dining room table.
"Well my love, breakfast should be ready in a bit." I smiled. "Thank you Thomas." He looks up at me. "For what?" "For being so patient with me, honestly I probably shouldn't have acted the way I did." "Y/N, I understand. I felt the same exact way, he is our child after all." "Once again thank you so much." He chuckled, our food was set in front of us. "Now what are we going to do today?" He asked. I thought for a moment, then had an idea. "Are there any plays we could see?" I asked hoping that wouldn't be to much. His eyes filled with excitement. "Of course! I would love to see a play with you!" I get dressed and walk out to the carriage with Thomas. As we approach the play house I became more excited. Of course the president got the best seat in the house and many people stared at me. Most likely jealous, I still felt a little intimidated for some reason. Thomas noticed and put an arm around my waist. We sat down and began to watch the show, but throughout the show Thomas kept glancing at me. I shrugged it off and kept watching. When it's over, we leave the play house. As we arrive at our house I notice him looking a bit distracted and a little nervous. I was a little confused. "Darling, is everything alright?" I ask. He sits me down on the couch. "Y/N, would you like to have another child?"

You all debate in the comments. Would u guys want another kid if so what gender? Let me know. Also for my new book it has come down to Mulligan x Reader or Laurens x reader so vote on that too please. It really helps me out. Anyway Stay weird -An Author (P.S you guys are awesome and I am nothing without your support)

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