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Thomas pov
(Note: French revolution is over don't question me k?)

I held Y/N close as we boarded the ship, she was ecstatic about leaving the country. It took about two weeks to get there, all the while I read books and Y/N wrote letters to mail when she got to France. Finally the ship landed at the docks, we were both happy to get off that ship. Laf had said it was ok for us to stay at his house for the week. Y/N wanted to walk instead of taking a carriage, I had to admit it was nice to walk on solid ground. It took a bit but we reached the house. I picked her up and carried her inside, she giggled as spun her around in my arms. "So do you want to get some rest, or do you want to go sight seeing?" I asked setting her down, she thought for a minute before deciding. "How about we make something to eat then sit out on the balcony." I smiled and kissed her forehead. "Perfect, shall I make my specialty?" "Oh you mean the only thing you know how to cook?" I put my hand over my heart. "How dare you!" I said with a smile. "Oh, I dare." She stated, I laughed and carried the suitcases upstairs. A while later we had dinner, macaroni and cheese of course. We talked and flirted, it was simple night but there was a different mood about it. She politely cleaned up our plates, I smiled and walked inside as well. "That was perfect." I said sitting on the couch with her in front of the fireplace. "It was simple, just talking like normal. I think we needed that." She replied leaning on my shoulder. "Yeah, you know I'm proud to be your husband." I cooed kissing her gently. "Well I am proud to be Mrs.Jefferson." She cooed back. I smiled as I gazed into her eyes, I got lost in her beauty. This was perfect, just spending time together.

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