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Your pov
"Y/N, lovely to see you again." Said Aaron, I smiled. "It's good to see you too Mr.Burr sir, I assume this is your daughter?" I asked turning my attention to the shy girl by his side. "Yes, this is Theodoisa." I smiled at her. "Hello it's good to finally meet you." I said. "Hello, it's nice to meet you too." She finally said. I guided our guests into the dining room, as the sat down Thomas entered. "Ah, Aaron, James! Good to see you again!" He smiled and sat down with our friends. I walked into the kitchen and tried to grab the plates but almost trip. Someone grabbed the plates out of my hands as I caught myself on the floor. I look up to find Theodoisa holding the plates, she helps me up and smiles. "Maybe you should let me help." She said with a grin. "Thank you Theo." I grab the rest of the plates and glasses. "Gentlemen, the food is served." I said setting down their plates. "Thank you darlin." "Of course Thomas." I kiss his cheek and head back into the kitchen to get Charles's food. But instead of sitting down Theo followed me. "Theo? Aren't you going to eat?" I ask turning around to face her. She looked down, I walked over to her and smiled. "Sorry Mrs.Jefferson But I was wondering if I could sit with your son, really I have no interest to talk about politics." I giggled. "It's alright Theo, I completely understand. And please call me Y/N." I walked her to where I had set up a small table for Charles to eat at. "Charlie! Lunch is ready!" I yelled, I heard thumping and saw Charles running down the stairs. "Thanks mama." He noticed Theo and walked over to her. "Hi I'm Charles! Are you gonna dine with me?" She giggled and knelt down to his level. "Yes I am, that is of course if you don't mind." His eyes lit up as he grabbed her hand leading her to the table. I set their food down and kissed Charles forehead. "Thank you Y/N." I nodded and went to sit with my husband.

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