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Thomas pov (Charles is 9)
My eyes shot open as I heard screaming from Charles's room. I ran down the hall; I slammed open the door to find Charlie crying in bed. As soon as he spotted me he jumped up and ran to me. "Charlie! What is the meaning of this?" I asked, picking him up. "S-sorry f-father, just a nightmare." He replied; tears streaming down his face. I smiled sadly and pulled him close. "It's alright son." I turned around to see Y/N, here smile warmed my heart. "Thomas, is he ok?" She asked, worry filling her eyes. "Yes darlin, Charlie just had a bad dream." I answered, walking towards her. I handed her Charles, she took him in her arms. She tucked him in, I put an arm around her waist. "Mama, can you sing to me?" He asked with a yawn. She smiled and kissed his cheek. "Of course Charles." She began to sing softly to him, when he was finally asleep she tucked him in bed. I put an arm around her waist; she smiled and kissed me deeply. I picked her up and carried her back to bed.

Your pov
My eyes opened slowly as the sun hit my face. "Morning beautiful~" Said Thomas pulling me closer to him. I blush a bit as he kisses my neck. "So what do we want to do today?" I ask him. He thinks for a minute then smiles. "How about we take Charlie to the library." He says in excitement, my eyes light up. "Perfect." I change into a simple F/C dress, while Thomas gets Charles ready. We walk out the door to the carriage Charles holding my hand.

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