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Your pov
Years had passed, our little girls were now 16. Thomas wanted to find each of them a suitor, but I was against that. He understood why based on my previous husband;so he respected that. That day we had decided to go out to town, Lizzie loved it now that she was brave enough to go. As we walked down the street, Lizzie and Tacie were talking, but Anna was staring off into the distance. I smiled at her as she daydreamed. Out of the blue, Anna was bummed into and pushed into the street. A carriage came her way; I opened my mouth to scream. But....a young man saved her life. He had blond hair, blue eyes, and was very scrawny. The stood on the other side of the street for a long while, before they gave each other a small piece of paper. He kissed her hand and left, blushing Anna walked back to the other side of the street. Frantically, I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her closer to me. "Annika Rose Jefferson! Don't you ever scare me like that again." I half yelled, she only giggled and hugged me. "Mother I'm just fine, great actually." She reassured me. Tacie came to her and nudged her a bit. "Who was that young man Anna?" She teased, Lizzie holding in laughter behind her, Anna blushed. "Connor Asher, he said his name was." Thomas grinned and nudged me a bit. I smiled and rolled my eyes. When we arrived at home, Anna started to write a letter. She mailed it that night too, Lizzie and Tacie teased her every chance they got.....Thomas as well. Really I was the only one who was talking with her seriously on the matter. But everyone was happy for her, especially me.

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