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Your pov

I had James come down stairs, he smiled excitedly when he saw his friend. "Hello Thomas, I see you have met Y/N." "Yes I did, she is very kind. So what smells good?" I remembered dinner was on the table. "Oh I made Macaroni and cheese, as suggested by James." I answered, I saw his eyes light up. "Well I'm sure it will be delicious Y/N, shall we eat?" I nodded and headed to the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of wine, when I came back into the dinning room the boys were patiently waiting. I smiled as I poured the wine into their glasses, James shook his head. "God you stay at my house and you're treating me like the guest." Thomas laughs and places his napkin on his lap. "I swear Y/N, have you ever heard of relaxation?" Asked Thomas, I grinned. "What is...relaxation?" The boys both let out a laugh as I sat down. "So Y/N, are you married?" Inquired Thomas, James rolled his eyes like it was normal. "N-no, I divorced my husband when I left North Carolina." I replied not wanting to talk about the pig I tried so hard to get away from. Thomas nodded with curious look, I noticed James looked concerned. "May I ask why?" James asked worry in voice. I felt the fear and memories flood back, I lifted up my sleeves and showed them the scars of which were caused by my ex. They both gasped, I looked away from them and asked them to please change the subject. They nodded and started a conversation I completely ignored.

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