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Your pov 
Thomas and I had gotten the hang of parenting. It was difficult, but we have never been happier. That day Peggy barged into the more excited and energetic than ever. "Slow down Peg, what happened?" I asked, Charles in my arms. She held out her hand, there was a silver wedding band on her finger. I gasped realizing what this meant. "Hercules proposed?" I asked shock. "Yesterday afternoon!" She exclaimed. I wanted to embrace her but I still had Charlie in my arms. "I'm so happy for you!" I said with a smile. We had tea and she held my baby boy. "So when's the wedding?" I asked. "It won't be for awhile, we still need to plan everything out. But he said he would make the dress to save time." We talked for awhile and had tea. Sadly Peg has to leave, I told her to write when the wedding came.

I fixed Peggy's hair as Angelica and Eliza fixed her dress. She looked nervous, I smiled and handed her a bouquet of white roses, daisies, daffodils, and sunflowers. "You look beautiful, Hercules is a lucky man." I said, the sisters agreed. Moments later, Peggy walked down the aisle. I stood by her as the maid of honor, Angelica by my side. The ceremony was beautiful, everyone adored Charles as well. Eventually I got to meet Hercules, since Peggy dragged him over in excitement. "Y/N this is Herc, my lovely husband." She cooed kissing his cheek. "Y/N Jefferson, it's a pleasure to meet you." I replied with curtsy. "The pleasures all mine Mrs.Jefferson." I smiled, then grabbed his collar. "Listen and listen good, you hurt Pegs in ANY way I will make sure you wish you never met me. Are we clear?" I asked clearly scaring him a bit. "Y-yes m-ma'am." He replied. "Good, now I wouldn't want to spoil your fun. Carry on you two." After the ceremony I returned home with Thomas and Charles. I look forward to the day Peggy has a couple of children.

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