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Thomas pov

I sat at my desk, finishing a few papers. A knock at the door was heard. "Come in." I said without emotion. Sally opened the door, she timidly took two steps in. "Ms. L/N is here to see you master." She said, her head down. I smiled at the thought of Y/N, I put my papers in a neat pile and dissmissed Sally. I rushed downstairs, I saw another one of my slaves take her coat. She thanked him and directed her attention towards me. She smiled that beautiful smile as I stepped closer to her. "Hello my little lamb, did you have a good trip?" I asked, caressing her cheek. She blushed at the nick name I had given her. "Yes I did, how has your day been?" She inquired as we walked to the garden. "Ten times better with you here. Actually there is something I have been wanting to ask you." I said pulling out an invitation to the annual winter's ball. I handed it to her, I saw her jaw drop and her eyes widen. "Thomas....I would love to but I don't have a suitable dress." I smirked. "You realize I could always take you to town right." "Oh Thomas, I don't want you to spend money on me." I rolled my eyes and sat her down on a bench. "Little lamb, just let me do this for you. Please." I said giving her the best puppy dog eyes I could manage. She gave in and kissed my cheek. "Fine, but I won't give up so easily next time." I chuckled as she crossed her arms. "Face it little lamb, you can't resist me." I say placing my arm around her. She smiled and laid her head in the crock of my neck. "That may be so."

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