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I stand against the wall looking at him wide eyed. He rushes over to me and holds me close, running his hands through my hair. "Y/N, are you alright?" He Asked a little shaken himself. "Um y-yes. Would you m-mind walking me home?" I ask letting a few tears fall. He pulls away from the embrace. "Here my house is closer, I have a spare bedroom." I linked arms with him so I wouldn't trip in the dark, when we arrived he guided me up the stairs. "Thomas?" I said as he walked out the door; he turned back and looked at me curiously. "Can I stay with you? I understand if you want to be alone or if-" He cut me off by walking into the room and kissing my cheek softly. Before I knew it I was asleep in his arms as he carried me down the hall way.


I awoke the next morning seeing Thomas absent from the bedroom. I walked down the stairs feeling well rested. My eyes fell on Thomas sitting at the table, he appeared to be waiting for me. "Good morning Thomas." I said, timidly sitting beside him. He smiled and put down the book he was reading. "Good morning love, breakfast will be here shortly." I blushed and patiently put my hands on my lap while waiting. Soon enough a girl came in with to plates of eggs, potatoes, and ham. I smiled and thanked her, she smiled back and walked into the kitchen again. "So, I assume James is worried sick. I'll run back home after this and we can meet up at the restaurant tomorrow." He nodded politely and finished his breakfast. Upon finishing he insisted he walk me home, I thanked him and he gave my forehead a gentle kiss before departing.

When you smile (Thomas Jefferson x reader)Where stories live. Discover now