Don't Say No

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Your pov

After much anticipation and deciding what to wear, I was ready for the date I knew would change my life. I had make sure he didn't know what I know, otherwise I would never forgive myself. This was his moment and I need to make it special for us. At least I didn't know what the ring looked like. I arrived at the park a few minutes before him, I was nervous he would catch on to the knowledge I had. He was fidgeting and stumbling as he walked, he looked more nervous than me. "Hey there little lamb." He said with an innocent tone in his voice. I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Hello Thomas, are you alright?" I ask giving him a confused look. "Well there is one thing." He said reaching into his back pocket. "Y/N M/N L/N, from the moment I saw you I knew you were the one for me. I asked James for his blessing since he's the only one around for you. It may seem like my work comes first but that's a lie, you are my top priority. Would you do me the extraordinary honor and marry me?" I started to cry once more as he opened the black box, the ring was beautiful. I tackled him and practically yelled yes. We were both a mess of tears and happiness. "Just to be clear, I will always love you more." He said as I pulled away. I laughed with him as we started to leave the park. "You wish." I shot back. He raised an eyebrow. "Is that a challenge?" He asked with a smirk, I smirked back. "I don't know is it?" We walked back to James's house, I couldn't be more happy than I was right there. With Thomas as my fiance.

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