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I walked down town even though I had no idea what to wear. Mainly I was just window shopping. I saw a few that I liked but then I saw a small shop, the dresses looked pretty interesting so I stopped inside. Then I saw the most beautiful and simple dress, at very low price too.

 Then I saw the most beautiful and simple dress, at very low price too

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I tried it on and it fit me perfectly. I paid for the dress and was about to walk home when I saw my childhood friend, Peggy. "Peggy Schuyler is that you?" I asked walking over to her. She gasped then smiled excitedly, I embraced her and laughed a little. "Wait Y/N what happened to your husband? Last I heard you were married and living in North Carolina." She said confused, I felt my face lose its color. "Um well, let's just say...he gave me a few...physical scars." I replied lifting my sleeve for her to see. "Oh my god, Y/N I'm so sorry. Who are you staying with now?" I smiled at the thought of James and Thomas. "My dear friend James Madison, he has taken very good care of me and I appreciate his help." I say with a smile. I walk with Peg in the park for awhile, I tell her about Thomas and all sorts of other things. She told me about the Revolution and Alexander Hamilton. At the end of the day it was getting dark so I told her I would write. As I walked down the quiet streets I couldn't escape the feeling I was being watched. I picked up my pace a bit and hoped I was just being paranoid. But suddenly I was tripped by someone, I looked up at the person. He held out his hand and I took it. "My apologies miss, but it looks to me like you are a bit lost. Allow me to help." I had a bad feeling about this so I politely declined. But he wouldn't take no for an answer, I pushed myself around him. To my surprise he grabbed my wrist and threw me against the wall. I hissed in pain as a knife scraped against my face. "P-please, t-this is all the money I got." I said, shakily gesturing toward the money in my had. He smirked. "It's not money I want doll.~" Suddenly some took him off me and threw him to the ground. He jumped up and ran, I turned toward my hero. It was Thomas.

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