Runaway Pikachu

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One early morning during their first journey, a cheerful Pikachu woke up to the bright sunlight that entered Ash's dark green tent, laying softly above the ground covered by fresh grass.

His brown eyes fluttered as the rest of his body stirred and his lightning-shaped tail bounced with newfound electricity.

It had been a while since Ash Ketchum and Pikachu had started their journey along new companions Brock and Misty in their hometown in Kanto, and now they were camping inside a calm meadow next to a shadowy forest.

Since his trainer was still asleep, Pikachu grinned to himself mischievously... this "Ash" who had saved him just about yesterday... in his weakest of moments...

He still wasn't sure what their relationship was.

Ash was pretty darn annoying at first, thinking that just because Professor Oak gave him to the ten-year old, he was suddenly his trained poochie.

No wonder he felt so grumpy around him; he hadn't gotten back at him yet, had he?

So he decided to wake his "trainer" up... his own way.

He slowly backed down, preparing for Ash Ketchum's doom, and stopping after three backward steps, he leapt into the air and playfully shot an electric attack towards him, waking the raven-headed boy instantly.

Pikachu giggled softly to himself, covering his mouth.

"Agh, Pikachu! Why did you do that?!" Ash's body rose from his blankets, black hair curly and sizzled up and his skin burnt (nearly) to ashes.

He was rightfully angry.

But Pikachu didn't understand why he seemed so worked up after an innocent "prank."

That was how most Pikachus tended to behave towards their friends...

"Huh... Pika?"

This unsettled the electric mouse as he tilted his head.

Maybe he had gone too far...

No way! Ash probably just woke up on the wrong side of the bed! He'll get better after a while, right? He meant no harm.

Or so he thought.

But during breakfast, Pikachu kept making loud noises, while the three humans sat together to eat what Brock had cooked and each chatted and thought busily without paying much attention to their surroundings.

"Pika! Pika! Pika! Pika! Pikachu!" the Pokémon screeched loudly and repeatedly.

Thinking he was just being grumpy after giving him a sideways glance, the trio tried to keep conversing, but he just kept crying louder and louder to the point their voices were not heard, wanting to catch his new trainer's gaze.

"Pikachu! What's up with you today...?" Ash finally exclaimed, rolling his brown eyes to the back of his head.

"Ash, maybe you're not giving Pikachu enough attention..." Brock, the most mature and experienced person in the group suggested to the annoyed ten year-old kid.

"I don't know what you are talking about," Ash responded half-heartedly, before going back to eating (still remembering how Pikachu had strange tendencies on shocking him at will).

Pikachu's ears lowered and his brow furrowed.

Feeling ignored, the mouse shouted angrily at them, "Pikapi! (Well, then!)"

And bolted away, the others too busy to even notice.

"Ash, are you sure Pikachu's alright?" Misty asked cautiously, narrowing her eyes and jabbing his side with her elbow harshly, making him flinch in pain.

"I'm sure he's just making a huff," he answered, sticking out his tongue at her childishly.

As far as he knew, Pikachu was pretty moody since day one; he was sure this was for his first Pokémon's own good.

Pikachu ran and ran towards the nearby forest, the farther away he was from them, the better.

Whatever... trainers were never for him anyway...

After lots of running, he got to the deep, dark part of the forest that was nearby to the campsite; he thought he would stay for a while, it seemed like a good place to think things thoroughly and calm down...

He started picking random berries around, pretty hungry since he hadn't eaten breakfast yet.

"Ash didn't even bother to ask..."

His thoughts were interrupted when a sudden rustle reached his ears.

Cautious, he started preparing an electric attack, just in case; but he instantly calmed down after he saw a pair of brown paws, which happened to be an Eevee's, a female Espeon by its side.

"What did you find, sweetie?" the Espeon asked the small Eevee next to her.

"A Pi-Pikachu, it seems to be lost..." the other Pokémon responded shyly after she caught Pikachu looking at her.

"A Pikachu? What are you doing in this part of the forest? Don't you know it's dangerous?" Espeon asked gently. Pikachu suddenly turned nervous.

"Huh..." he muttered, "I-I'm... a wild Pikachu." He said the first thing to come to mind.

"Wild Pikachus are rare around here! Do you want to come back to camp with us then?" Espeon bought his lie. "You'll be safer and welcome there."

He thought about it: Ash probably wouldn't miss him that much, just for that day, he wanted to try a new lifestyle. He looked at the Eevee's sweet, sparkling brown eyes...


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-Please remember to hit the little star if you enjoy! 🌟

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