Dance at dawn

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"Ah! W-what?!" Eevee leapt in the air with surprise. Turns out it was Pikachu whispering in her ear. "Pikachu...? Where am I?" she inquired, rubbing her eyes tiredly.

"We're at your Aunt Leafia's cave, I took you here after you fainted."

"Oh... so she returned."

Eevee didn't remember anything after she had fainted.

Not noticing the dull tone in her voice, he chirped, trying to cheer her up. "Yeah! Is your leg feeling better?"

She moved it a bit. "Huh... yeah, it is! Much better!" she said with glee, jumping up and down with almost no pain.

"Your aunt's medicine was super effective then!" Pikachu chuckled.

"Yes~" Eevee giggled, eyes closing briefly.

"Hey, Eevee... while bringing you back to camp yesterday, I found an awesome place!" he said a bit nervous.

"Awesome place? Where? At camp?" Eevee asked, tilting her head.

"Um, no... in the woods, actually," he told her, glancing away.

"What?! The forest?! That horrible forest?" she exclaimed in horror.

"Yeah... but I really want you to see it, I think it'll make you feel better after all that's been going on." The mouse opened his arms, leaning in to give her a big hug.

"I don't know..." she muttered unenthusiastically, not corresponding him.

The evolution Pokémon wasn't really in the mood for surprises, especially any inside that forest.

"Nothing's gonna happen to you! I promise," Pikachu said with a reassuring smile. "Trust me," he added gently.

She stared at his dark eyes for a long while before replying. "I-I trust y-you, Pikachu. Please... just don't…" She trailed off, eyes down.

"Huh?" Pikachu questioned when she didn't finish the sentence.

"I一 Nothing." She quickly waved it off, a sweat droplet dripping off her cheek.

Pikachu noticed how anxious she seemed... was this about Zorua? He stared at her, feeling sad and guilty again.

He hopes to take that pathetic jerk off her mind!

It was midnight and the two Pokémon had sneaked off from the cave and were on their way to the woods. "This is gonna be so fun! I can't wait for you to see it, Eevee!"

Pikachu's eyes glistened with joy; he was always joyful when he was with Eevee.

On the other side, Eevee was secretly nervous: what if Pikachu, her only friend, betrayed her as well? Just thinking about it made her heart sink.

Pikachu noticed her sad eyes and tried to cheer her up. "Look, Eevee! The stars are so beautiful, don't you think?" he pointed out, eyes upwards.

"Huh, y-yeah..." She stuttered. It surprised Pikachu, since he thought Eevee had stopped being shy a long time ago.

While he was lost in thoughts, he heard soft tapping beside him. As he turned that way, he saw Eevee gracefully dancing over a tree stump, the moonlight shining over.

Her tiny feet leapt in the air with twirls and circles... to Pikachu, it was the most beautiful scene in his life. "Wow, Eevee, you dance beautifully!" he exclaimed.

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