Is this love?

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As soon as the sun reached the sky, all Eeveelutions started preparing for a new day. At Eevee's family's cave, Umbreon was opening the leaves that served as curtains, letting in the light and waking up a certain pair.

"Good morning, Pikachu!"

Were always Eevee's first words in the morning.

Pikachu yawned as he happily stretched his limbs. "Morning, Eevee! Did you sleep well?"

"Um, very..." she mumbled as she remembered the fact she dreamt about him so often.

"What?" he asked, not hearing her.

"Oh, nothing! What you wanna do after breakfast?" She changed the subject quickly, shaking her head to try to take off her blushing.

"I think I'm going to visit Zeni today!" he said with his usual grin. "She said she had something to tell me..."

Eevee got curious. "I wonder what it is..."

"You can come, too, if you want to." He smiled charmingly.

"I don't know... it may be something private," she responded, glancing away and fiddling with her paws. "It may be better if it's between you two."

"Um, are you sure?" He nervously tilted his head.

"Why do you ask?"

"Because you're gritting your teeth and your face is all red."

"It is?!"

She covered her face, embarrassed.

"Yeah, you look exactly the same as when Shynee was being way 'too friendly' with me," he pointed out blankly.

"What?!" Her face turned redder.

"Haha! It's almost as if you were jealous!" He chuckled with utter irony. "But of course you aren't, right?"

"S-stop it, Pikachu..." she pleaded under her paws.

"Eevee, Pikachu," Espeon called, "Blacky and I will have to leave until the evening, so we'll have to leave you at your aunt Leafia's care..."

"You're leaving... again?" Eevee asked sadly, ears dropping.

"We're sorry, dear, but we have business to attend to," the Umbreon told her, avoiding her wide gaze.

"What kind of 'business'?" Eevee questioned.

Both Espeon and Umbreon looked nervous. "It's... grown-up stuff, Eevee," Espeon explained.

"We'll definitely come back as soon as we can... we love you," Umbreon added truthfully, glancing at their daughter.

They both licked her cheek, Espeon licking Pikachu's as well, while Umbreon just intently glared at him.

"Goodbye, Mom! Bye, Dad!" she shouted loudly as she saw them go. Her ears lowered further.

"You okay, Eevee?" Pikachu patted her shoulder in consolation.

"My parents are always busy, out of the nowhere," she admitted, "I feel kind of... left out. But also confused, whatever are they doing?"

"Yeah, all this seems suspicious if you ask me... but we're probably just being paranoid. Maybe you should ask them about it," he suggested.

"Meanwhile, look at the bright side! We get the day all to ourselves! No offense, Eevee, but your dad kind of freaks me out..." he said, making sincerely Eevee laugh.

"He's just being overprotective... just give him time and he'll like you lots!" she exclaimed amusedly, smiling.

"I hope so! Well, gotta go. Zeni's waiting for me! Promise I'll hang out with you as soon as we finish, deal?"

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