Icy joy

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Hours later, the wind had slowly started blowing furiously, throwing snowdrops everywhere; and Shynee couldn't escape from it.

She was completely alone in some snowy mountain she really doubted her cousin would be at unless she evolved into a Glaceon...

The moment she got hit by the first snowflake, Shynee regretted leaving the Eevee she met a while ago behind. She definitely would have been of help... at least for moral support?

The snowstorm only got harsher as she continued so she decided the best decision was to find somewhere to stay until it was finally over.

It would be harder done than said, though, since all she could see on the distance was plain white, and her smell sense wasn't of much help during a blizzard.

"Oh, Arceus, what I'm gonna do...?" she pleaded to no one in particular, pouting childishly. "I never expected this when I was being stubborn."

She let herself slide down a path of frozen water, only to be confused when she recognized something aqua blue between all the white.

"Glaceon...? Is it really you?" she assumed.

"Are you that shiny Eevee who was foolish enough not to listen?"

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"Are you that shiny Eevee who was foolish enough not to listen?"

"Well, how many shiny Eevees are there around...?"

Glaceon sighed. "I just knew you wouldn't listen."

"Then why did you give me 'advice' in the first place?" Shynee asked, a bit cynical.

"What?! I'm never sarcastic! The slowly freezing to death must be finally getting to me..." she thought, alarmed.

Suddenly, a lime green light flashed in the sky, pointing to somewhere within the mountains, like a rainbow.

Glaceon stared at it attentively, nodding to herself a few times. "Okay, I have to go now," she stated.

"What?! You're really leaving me here alone by myself?!" Shynee cried.

"Don't worry," the Glaceon said, turning around, "I won't even bother giving you advice this time."

The shiny screeched with panic, "Wha--! No! Please! I won't survive! I almost died once, I can't do it again!"

Glaceon ran away with ease, both physically and emotionally, despite the young Eevee's cries.

"You're too much of a crybaby," she told Shynee, rolling her eyes. "If you keep this up, it's only natural for you to die…"

The Glaceon became a mere spot in the distance, no longer to be seen. Tears slowly started sprouting from Shynee's eyes.

"I-I thought she had a heart... deep down, everyone has a heart. How can she be so... cold? She did save me and Eevee back there."

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