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"Team Rocket?!" literally everybody but said team yelled in distress when they realized who had caught Eevee.

"Pika...! (Ugh...those idiots...!)"

"Let Eevee free!" Serena demanded, while Pikachu glared at the villains.

"Ha, are you kidding?! This very special Eevee is indeed going to be part of my wonderful showbiz! You don't deserve such a gem, twerpette," Jessie said calmly, angering Pikachu and Serena even more.

"Agh, h-help!" Eevee cried for help, trapped inside the net.

"I won't let them take you, I promise!" Pikachu assured her, determined.

"Gourgeist!" Jessie commanded, pointing at their front. "Come out!"

"Inkay!" James ordered as well. "You, too!"

"Braixen!" Serena told her companion with speed. "Get ready to battle!" The fox nodded, just as bravely.

Ash shouted as well. "Pikachu一!"

"Pikapi Pika Pika! (You don't even have to say it!)" The mouse cut him off, jumping in front of his trainer. "Pikachu Pikapi. (I will fight for Eevee no matter what.)"

As soon as the Pokémon are released, Inkay quickly uses Psybeam, but it's countered by a strong Electro Ball from Pikachu.

Gourgeist uses a Shadow Ball, but Braixen blocks the attack with her Flamethrower. Inkay uses Tackle, and Pikachu uses Iron Tail to counterattack.

But Inkay surprises Pikachu dodging his attack and using Foul Play, sending him flying. "Pika! (Agh!)" he shrieked, falling to the ground.

Pancham jumps in front of him and attacks aimlessly with Stone Edge, hitting Team Rocket and sending Eevee falling across the field with a scream.

"Pikachu! Pika Pika?! (Eevee! Pancham, what are you doing?!)" Pikachu yelled angrily at him.

"Pan... (Oops...)"

"Eevee!" Serena cried, trying to catch her before she hit the ground; but sensing this, Gourgeist used Seed Bomb on the girl, trying to stop her. Nevertheless, she barely evaded the attack and reached Eevee before it was too late.

Pikachu sighed in relief.

Eevee panicked being in the hands of a stranger and ran off.

Smiling evilly, Meowth and Jessie go for Eevee, but are stopped by Serena, her Pokémon and Pikachu.

Eevee peeks behind Serena, confused to why she was protecting her. "You won't touch her!" the honey-blonde growled. Eevee was speechless, deep in thought.

"Wow! This human girl isn't scared of taking a super strong attack… for me? Her, and her Pokémon… and… that Pikachu, too? I can't just let them get hurt. Not after all they've done for me."

"Okay, you asked for it!" Jessie shouted, before commanding her Pokémon. "Gourgeist, use Seed Bomb once again!"

The group just stood, motionless, as the the pumpkin-Pokémon launched its attack.

But before it could hit them, Eevee bravely leapt in front of them, using Protect. Serena gasped in surprise. "...Eevee? You saved us."

"E-Eevee Eevee. (Y-you saved me first.)" The Pokémon chirped. Pikachu smiled happily. Eevee goes on and uses Swift on Team Rocket, sending stars flying.

"Pika Pi! (Let me help you!)" Pikachu smirked confidently as he sent Thunderbolt after it.

"Oh, no."

The Team blasted off, disappearing in the distance. "We're blasting off again!"


Serena kneeled in front of the small Eevee. "Thank you for everything, Eevee. You were great."

"E-Ee... (T-thanks to you...)" Eevee mumbled, shyly.

Serena glanced at her Pokémon and Ash's Pikachu, all nodding in agreement. "Now, do you want to come with us and be part of our team?"

Eevee hesitated a bit, before chirping. "Eevee! (Gladly!)" she exclaimed decidedly and rubbed her face on Serena's hand affectionately.

She takes out a Pokéball, Eevee pressed her nose on it, letting herself be captured. It shook three times before letting out a loud ding.

The best sound for a Pokémon trainer.

"Yeah! I caught Eevee…!" Serena smiled widely.

"Aw, so cute~" Bonnie squealed in excitement again.

"You were so brave, Serena, you deserve it," Ash stated, grinning at her and letting his hand rest on her shoulder.

"Now we can finally go, peacefully..." Clemont said, tiredly. The group chuckled.

"Okay, Eevee! Now, come out!" Serena ordered. Eevee is sent out smiling joyfully. Ash and Clemont send out their own Pokémon so they can meet the new member.

But as Ash tries to approach her, she immediately runs off, awkwardly bumping into Hawlucha, even more scared now she runs again, finding comfort behind Bunnelby.

"Wha一?! Why Bunnelby?!" both Chespin and Pikachu shouted.

"Ah... believe me, I want nothing to do with this..." Bunnelby said nervously.

"P-please, let me stay here..." Eevee pleaded, almost inaudibly.

"But you're my true love! I need to meet you!" Chespin shrieked, running after her as she ran from him and making the poor Bunnelby dizzy.

"Oh, well... I guess Eevee's still shy," Clemont realised, pushing back his glasses. "And for some reason she likes Bunnelby better...?"

"That's because Bunnelby is calm and quiet..." Bonnie explained.

"Too bad, you really wanted to talk to her, right Pikachu?" Pancham turned around at the Electric-Type, who seemed heartbroken from first sight.

"Yeah... but I guess she needs time... I am kind of loud to her, so..." Pikachu sighed exasperated. "I won't be as desperate as Chespin, though."

"I'm not even sure if it is her, after all." he mumbled the last part.



"But now that you're safe... and with us... I'll have plenty of time to find out, right? It's not like she'll keep hiding behind Bunnelby forever... right?!"

He glanced at Eevee, who nervously avoided his gaze.


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