Teary cuddling

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Eevee could almost feel the ground shake as Ash hurriedly stomped his way to the nearest Pokémon Center, carrying an injured Pikachu in his arms, his eyes hurting with worry.

When they finally got to the building, Ash hurried his buddy to the counter where a Nurse Joy immediately came to attend him. "Now, what's the problem here?" she asked, examining the mouse with sharp sight.

"H-he can't move... and his breathing is getting slower," Ash answered, panting from the run.

"Hmm, I see." Her eyebrows furrowed, thinking. "Wigglytuff!" she called.

The pink Pokémon came after hearing her name. "Wigglytuff Wiggly? (What may I help you at?)"

"Please take this Pikachu to the emergency room," she commanded, tenderly putting him in a hospital bed.

"Wiggle! (Aye, captain!)" she responded, pushing away the bed through the slide glass doors. Eevee was curious to where they were taking him, she almost felt like following him. But when she took a jump foward, Ash quickly stopped her with his hand.

"Don't worry, he'll be okay, Eevee," he whispered to her with a small smile. She wasn't totally convinced since she could hear the crack on his voice. He was nervous, too. If more, even. "Pikachu has been injured, many times before, though this time he seems a little more hurt... he'll be alright," he reassured her.

The Eevee let out a short sigh. "...Eevee... (...Okay..)."

"Ash! We came as soon as we heard!" Serena said as Clemont, Bonnie and her burst into the center, causing the nurses to ask them to be quiet.

"Is Pikachu alright?" Clemont quickly asked.

"He'll be, don't worry!" he said cheerfully.
"Thanks for coming guys," he added, looking at Serena who smiled sweetly at him. He smiled back. "In no time, Pikachu will be back to his strong old self!"

"For some reason... I still feel uneasy..." Eevee thought sadly, walking around with a frown in her face and no aim. "We don't even know who... or what attacked him? All I can remember..." The image flashed through her eyes. "Is those violet eyes and that strange girl."

She looked frustrated, even more deep in thought. "Something is going on. And I have the feeling, it's either targeting Pikachu... or me?"

"Um, Eevee, are you okay?"

She snapped out of her thinking. She turned around. It was Bunnelby. "Oh, hey, B-Bunnelby... I haven't seen you in quite a while..." she stuttered, looking down as was her habit.

"Ha, it's alright!" He chuckled with amusement. "What happened back there? Can you tell?"

"N-not exactly."

"Eh?" he asked, tilting his ears to the side. "You don't want to tell me?"

"W-what I mean is!" She panicked, a bit embarrassed. "I myself don't exactly know. It all happened in a blur."

He nodded understanding. "Well, as long as you're okay... and Pikachu, too, all's good!"

"He isn't okay, though..." she mumbled, mostly to herself.

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