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Sighing sadly, Pikachu walks back to the others. If there was one of his weaknesses, it was getting overexcited.

"Did you find her, Pikachu?" Braixen inquired with urgency as he finally arrived.

"For a minute, I did. But she ran away..." A sweatbead dripped down his cheek nervously.

"Aw! That Eevee is driving me nuts!" Chespin squealed, passionate. "And it doesn't help that Bonnie left all these tasty Poképuffs laying around!"

"Oh, so that pink Poképuff was Bonnie's...?"

"Yeah! And she won't even let me get close to them! Look!" Chespin tried to take one of the Poképuffs beside him, only for Clemont to nag him.

"Don't touch them, Chespin! Those are for Eevee!"

"See?" Chespin said, annoyed. "It's not like I would do it anyways, I do have self-control, you know, Clemont?"

While the trainers and Pokémon where distracted, Eevee appeared from one of the bushes. She couldn't help but try to take a Poképuff near her.

Unfortunately, Bunnelby noticed her presence. "...Eevee?" he said softly. The Eevee everyone was looking for so desperately?

"Agh!" she squeaked in fear... but soon she noticed Bunnelby's extremely calm demeanor (unlike the strange Pikachu's); which made her relax a little.

"Please don't tell them I'm here," she pleaded. "Especially not that Pikachu."

Bunnelby felt awkward with the situation; honestly, he didn't want to be some kind of accomplice... but this Eevee seemed real scared.

"Huh... okay?"

"T-thanks." She grabbed the treat and quickly fled. Um, maybe not all of them were loud?

"Ugh, I'm so hungry... just one Poképuff won't hurt?" Chespin chirped.

"Um... I thought you had something called self- control?" Pancham grumbled.

"Whatever~ Food over everyth一 Where is it?!" he screamed when he noticed the candy was gone.

"Chespin, did you really eat that Poképuff after what we told you?!" Clemont told him off angrily.

"I'm so disappointed, Chespin!" Bonnie crossed her arms with a frown.

"C-ches! Ches, ches! (Wha一?! B-but, I didn't eat it! I swear!)" he cried.

"Then, who did...?" Pikachu wondered, glancing at the spot the food had previously been at.


"I'm sorry we couldn't find Eevee, Serena!" Ash lamented, sulking intensely.

"She's just... too afraid of strangers," Bonnie said, saddened.

"I wonder what happened to her to be like that?" Serena inquired in a quiet voice.

"It's probably just instinct," Clemont answered, as a matter of fact. "It's natural for a wild Pokémon to be cautious. Though, this is kind of an exaggeration... she didn't even let us find her."

"I did find her, well, she found me... but ran away. I'll get to her for sure tomorrow, though! I promise to myself," Serena declared.

"You seemed really interested in Eevee, Pikachu... it's a bummer we'll have to leave tomorrow," Braixen sighed, talking with the other Pokémon.

"I won't give up searching. I have a strong feeling about her... I just must find her. Tomorrow, I'll get to her, and this time she won't run away. I promise to myself," Pikachu vowed.

~ ~ ~

During the night, deep on the forest, Eevee was taking a walk, her mind filled with different thoughts. "S-should I give them a chance?" she muttered to herself.

Then she looks to her side to see a pretty flower tiara laying just on top of one of her favorite dance rocks.

"Whoa... it's so cute!~" she squealed, placing it on her head. "That human girl must have left it for me! H-how... how n-nice of her..."

Not able to sleep, Pikachu and Serena get up from their beds; Pancham and Braixen accompanying their trainer as the two go outside and sit on top of a hill, thoughtful.

Everyone's delightfully surprised when they discover Eevee, dancing in the moonlight beneath them, she doesn't notice them, though, and keeps dancing gracefully.

Both Pikachu and Serena sigh, overwhelmed with emotion.

"I wish I could befriend Eevee," she whispered. "We have so much in common... we all could do Showcases together, and... have fun."

Braixen and Pancham nodded, agreeing.

"Pika Pikachu… (I get what you mean...)" Pikachu said, as if they were having an actual conversation. "Pika pi... Pika Pikachu… Pika ka. (I only wish to know who Eevee is... if she is the friend I lost so many years ago... and loved so much.)"

She looked at Pikachu, as if she understood. "If only we could show our feelings for Eevee."

"Chu... (Yeah...)" he squeaked, voice wavering.

The group, two of them specially, kept staring at the object of their emotions, letting the light of the moon shine over them.




The next day, everyone's packing up their things, since they were planning to leave to continue their journey.

"You okay, Serena...?" Bonnie asked, worriedly.

"Yeah, it's okay. I didn't want to force this search on Eevee, anyway," she answered truthfully. "Instead, I had a better idea! Well, Pikachu and I did."

Pikachu chirped in response.

"Wait. Pikachu...?"

"He's interested in Eevee, too."

"And what's your plan?"

"Me and my Pokémon will show Eevee we're not dangerous and have a lot in common!"

Serena, Pancham and Braixen started dancing over a wide rock, like in their performances, hoping to show Eevee they also have fun while dancing.

Braixen used Flamethrower, attracting Eevee's attention, who watched from behind a rock.

Pancham jumps and uses Dark Pulse on the Flamethrower, creating a wonderful image and releasing sparkling glitter all over.

"Amazing, Serena!" Ash, Bonnie and Clemont shouted in utter awe.

"I wonder what Eevee thought of it?" she wondered. "Pancham, Braixen and I enter Showcases, Eevee, which are a lot of fun! Your dancing is really beautiful, and it would surely impress many people, you know?" Serena told the shy Pokémon.

Eevee was still scared, but listened attentively to her.

"If you come with us, you won't regret it! I promise!" Serena reached a hand to her.

Eevee is thoughtful for a moment, but before she can decide, she's captured by a net.

"Prepare for trouble."

"And make it double."

Please remember to hit the little star if you enjoy! 🌟

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