A different kind of liar

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"Go!" Eevee shouted, signalling Pikachu and Zorua to start running.

He might not be the fastest around, but he was side by side with Zorua, so it meant them both had the same potential: it seemed like a fair game, right?

...Well, for Zorua, it wasn't.

Seeing the yellow mouse was starting to surpass him, Zorua realized that if he wanted to win for sure, he had to be crafty. This wasn't some run-of-the-mill Pikachu.

Zorua purposefully spread a cloud of sand all around him and Pikachu so Eevee didn't notice what he was about to do.

Zorua then used a Quick Attack on Pikachu, causing him to fall to the ground ungracefully.

"Wait!" Pikachu said, coughing from the dust, "This isn't fair!"

"All's fair in love and war!" Zorua chuckled as he bolted away.

"This guy's sure something!" Pikachu got up, struggling to reach Zorua.

Pikachu ran faster and faster, he could feel the electricity inside his body spark; it was a nice feeling, because it gave him even more determination to win for his friend Eevee and defeat Zorua.

It took the Dark-type by surprise when he saw Pikachu quickly surpassing him, he leapt into the air as he finished first, Zorua hot behind his heels.

"And... Pikachu wins!" Eevee declared happily.

"Yay!" Pikachu cheered, happy as well he could prove himself to Zorua. Zorua came behind, panting heavily.

"This... this isn't fair!" he pointed out angrily.

Pikachu twitched an eye at the Pokémon's clear hypocrisy. "Are you serious?! I won fair and square even after all your quarreling!"

"What are you talking about, Pikachu?" Eevee asked, confused at the "quarreling" part. Zorua gave Pikachu his darkest menacing glare... Pikachu was sure it didn't mean anything good.

"A-ah! Nothing, i-it's nothing!"

As much as he wanted to tell Eevee how insane Zorua actually was, he feared telling her would make things worse.

"Okay..." she hesitantly responded, though she still felt a bit uneasy.

"I suggest a rematch!" Zorua said, fired up, "Let's see who gets first to the top of that tree! Eevee, you go first so you declare the winner!"

Both Eevee and Pikachu stared at the giant oak tree right behind them. "Oh, you mean the Elder Oak," Eevee corrected him.

"Professor Oak?" Pikachu thought of the man.

"That's the oldest tree in the valley, Zorua! It's dangerous to climb it!" Eevee said worriedly.

"Oh, c'mon, Eve! I taught you how to climb back when we were little remember?" he said.

"Well, yeah, but that was a long time ago and never on a tree as huge as this!" she stated.

"Just try! Nothing will happen, 'cause I'm here for you." He winked playfully, making the blood boil inside of Pikachu.

"A-alright." She smiled slightly, as she nervously grasped into the tree and started climbing steadily. "Whoa, it's easier than I thought!"

"See, you should definitely trust me more often, Eve," Zorua said.

"I feel like a Spinarak!" The evolution Pokémon giggled as she finally got to the very top. "Come on, guys! Road clear!"

"Alright!" Zorua started climbing, determined: this time, he would beat the yellow rat.

"I have a bad feeling about this..." Pikachu murmured.

"You sure is not because you know you're gonna lose?" Zorua said sarcastically. Pikachu growled irritated as he started climbing as well. Zorua tried to slow down Pikachu as much as possible through the way to the top; kicking leaves and twigs and tree bark to his face.

"Ugh, stop it, Zorua!" Pikachu growled, glaring at him.

"Stop what?" Zorua asked innocently.

Pikachu thought fast, and taking advantage of all the objects Zorua was throwing at him, he started throwing them back at the crafty fox, distracting him. As soon as Zorua turned to snarl at him, Pikachu already had surpassed him. "Hey! Get back here you little一! You're not gonna win again!" Zorua growled.

"How much ya bettin' on that?" Pikachu sassed him as he finally reached Eevee.

Panting heavily from the run, he chirped a happy "Pikachu!" cry.

Fed up, Zorua shoved Pikachu's shoulder, the strength pushing Eevee from the very tall tree, making her scream loudly and land on the dry leaves and roots on the ground.

"E-Eevee!" Pikachu shouted agonizingly. Zorua just smirked to himself.

Please remember to hit the little star if you enjoy! 🌟

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