The Beginning

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Pikachu laid steadily next to a warm body; their soft fur brushed naturally against his. He took a deep, relaxed breath as he continued sleeping, until, of course, something woke him up.

"Hey. Hey, kids. Wake up," said a familiar strict, savvy voice.

He looked up, a bit annoyed, but also excited for he knew what was to come; so his frown immediately turned into a characteristic smile.

Seeing the 'kid' was awake now, the Leafeon turned around, carelessly.

"Eevee? You up?" he asked the Pokémon next to him.

"I woke a while ago, but I didn't want to disturb you. Had a good night sleep?" she answered, smiling weakly.

He immediately noticed. "What about you? You look... um, a tad tired, maybe?" he stated.

She tiredly rubbed her big brown eyes. "I couldn't sleep yesterday..." She was interrupted by her own yawn. "I was too一"

"Excited?!" Pikachu's ears rose up with said feeling.

"No... worried."

"Huh, why?! There's nothing to worry about! After all, the Queen's going to help us!" he chirped, turning his whole body upside down with energy.

Eevee gave him a slightly pitiful, compassionate look.

"She will help?! Right...?" he asked, the last sliver of hope in his voice.

Queen Nymphia, who was sitting straight ahead next to 'Commander' Leafia, shook her head. "Nope, this is something you'll fight off completely by yourselves, Cheese!" She smiled warmly.

"Cheese...?" Pikachu unknowingly thought aloud.

"Hey, 'Pikachu' is a pretty common name. Let me give you some individuality, dear! Only humans call Pokémon by their species name!" She puffed out her chest. "So pathetic."

"Hey...! What about me?!" Eevee yelled, but was ignored.

He just kept staring at her with an exasperated look. "Oh, I do have name. And madam, it's NOT Cheese," he said in his thoughts. Pikachu let the subject go. "Hey, look ahead! I can see it!"

"That's exactly why you needed to wake up, Chizu," Leafia stated, face blank.

"Is that... is that 'cheese' in Japanese?!" Pikachu hollered, now quite angry. "Is that going to be my new nickname or something一"

"I can see it, too!" Eevee ignored the name-calling; she was too tired to deal with it anyway.

"Eevee, if you're exhausted, just tell me," Pikachu told her concernedly. "You need your full senses to fight off any dangerous Pokémon."

"I-I'm okay..." She waved him off, way too slowly. "No worries..."

After a few minutes, the swimming Lapras finally reached shore.

The beach. It held quite a handful of people but they didn't seem to mind the flock of Pokémon who had just arrived on one of the strangest travelling ways possible.

The critters quickly jumped down from the giant sea creature; they had slept (well, not for Eevee), and travelled by it, so it looked pretty darn tired, which Leafia noted.

"Your Majesty and I will be forced to stay around and find a place for Lapras to rest. So we can harbor next morning, however, we won't follow you," the Leafeon told the Eevee and Pikachu.

"But if there's an emergency, don't doubt to search for us! Eevee, dear, you know how to use the Call Light, right?" the elder asked.

"Yup..! I... practiced... all night..." She almost fell asleep, but when Pikachu snapped his fingers, she went full awake again. "Hehe, no prob."

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