Shynee returns

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Eevee blinked with her big, deep brown eyes. She remembered just moments ago, quite embarrassingly, she was crying her heart out. But she wasn't alone...


Everything was dark, all around her. Pitch black, she couldn't see a thing. She let out a small cry: her voice; and it echoed through wherever the heck she was.

Suddenly, she spotted a dimmed light far up above her. The yellow light grew and grew... surrounding a flower. It's petals were bright yellow, with black tips and the stem, cherry red.

"That flower... haven't I seen it before?" Eevee asked herself in puzzlement. "It's quite familiar-looking either way…" Her head filled with thoughts relating to the electric mouse she was currently so involved with.

"Pikachu..." she murmured softly.

The light over her head went brighter with the sound of her voice. "Pikachu," she called louder. It became blinding. "Pikachu!" She tried covering her eyes with her short arms. She couldn't see again, but this time not because of darkness...

"Pikachu...!" Eevee screamed at the top of her lungs and the flower gave its last glow.

"Ah...!" The small, light brown Pokémon gasped, back to reality.

"Eevee?! Are you okay?!" a warm, yet alarmed voice shrieked. Eevee looked next to her, where her trainer laid; the rest of her Pokémon surrounding her as well.

"Ee... Eevee Eevee? (Serena... what happened?)" she questioned fearfully, with a still trembling body.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Serena asked worriedly. "You were squirming uncontrollably, we could tell you were struggling!" she added, pointing to Pancham and Braixen who looked pretty scared for their 'little sister.'

"So it was all a dream!" Eevee thought in surprise, before speaking. "Eevee! Vee… Eevee. (I'm okay! Though... a little scared.)"

Even though Serena obviously couldn't understand her Pokémon talk, she still got what she meant.

"You're shivering... come here, Eevee," she cooed, opening her arms only for the little Pocket Monster to jump straight into them with no hesitation. Pancham and Braixen soon joined into the now group hug, and Eevee didn't feel much terrified anymore... even being the little scaredy cat she was.

"I love you, guys..." she whispered sincerely, not loud enough for the others to hear. "You are my family," she said as if she never had a (real) family before. "But that dream still has me concerned..."

* * *

Later, Eevee learnt Serena and Ash had come earlier to pick up Pikachu and her from the Pokémon Center, the same night they had left them in its care. Eevee was deep into slumber and Pikachu seemed irritated.

"Nurse Joy said Pikachu healed quickly, and since Ash seemed in a rush, too, it'd be okay to let Pikachu finish healing with us!" Serena explained to Bonnie, who was curious as well.

"Sweet~ Pikachu didn't have to stay stuck in an emergency room for a week like I thought!" she chirped cheerfully.

"That was highly unlikely to begin with," Clemont stated  as he adjusted his glasses. "Pikachu is way too attached to Ash to last that long alone by himself."

"But he wasn't alone, Eevee was with him! Remember, big brother?!"

Eevee's ears twitched at the mention of her name related to Pikachu's and it sparked her attention further.

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