You and me

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It was noon, when Pikachu and Eevee had scheduled to meet. The Normal-Type and Shynee were on their merry way to the meeting spot.

"When I said you should ask Pikachu on a date, I didn't mean it like this..." Shynee sighed sorrowfully, feeling second-paw embarrassment. "He might not get the idea."

"I just... panicked, alright... honestly, I think it's better like this..." Eevee answered vaguely, not wanting to reveal her true fears of Pikachu not feeling the same as she was.

"Where do you plan on going anyway?" Shynee asked curiously, glancing at her friend.

"Somewhere... I used to go all the time before," the other female Pokémon admitted, "I never showed Pikachu the place, so it'd would be great to spend that time exploring with him!" Eevee chirped.

"Why did you stop going then...?" the shiny Pokémon questioned, being suspicious.

"Well, that's because一 oh, they're here!" She was about to finish her sentence until she spotted Pikachu and Zeni approaching them from afar. "Hey, Zeni! H-hey, Pikachu!"

"Hiya, Eevee! What are you guys talking about?" Pikachu asked with utter curiosity, tilting his head with his plastered friendly smile.

"Huh..." They both glanced at each other nervously. "Nothing!"

"Oh, okay... then let's get going, right?" He signalled, brushing past Eevee's brown fur, circling happily around her and hopping onwards.

"Y-yeah, let's," Eevee agreed, noddding immediately. "See you later, Zeni! Shynee!"

"Bye..." the Squirtle mumbled, waving unenthusiastically.

"Bye-bye~! Have lots of fun!" Shynee, on the other hand, winked playfully at Eevee, grinning.

Eevee blushed, before walking towards Pikachu and maintaining her stride at his same speed. He rubbed his cheek with hers in greeting, making electricity run through both of them. Eevee giggled cheerfully in response. "Your electricity can be so strong, yet is always ticklish with me!"

"It must because I'm super comfortable with you, so I really don't want to harm you," he explained, sounding half embarrassed but also half glad

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"It must because I'm super comfortable with you, so I really don't want to harm you," he explained, sounding half embarrassed but also half glad.

She smiled sweetly at the thought. "I know I can trust you, Pikachu."

"I know I can trust you, too, that's why I'm following to whatever place you're taking me..." He sweat-dropped nervously, managing to get a laugh out of her.

"And that's why I'm taking you there! C'mon!" She started running towards the sunset's direction.

"Wait for me!" he shouted, running after her.

The farther they got, the more Shynee grinned. "Oh, they are so meant for each other, don't you think?"

"Ah, I'm not into all this cheesy stuff..." Zeni merely turned away. This made the Eevee confused. Why is she not happy for her friends...?

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