A spark of competition

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"So, what do you wanna do first?" Pikachu asked the next morning, after he had took the last bite of his Pecha Berry.

"There's so much to do!" Eevee said cheerfully. "But maybe we could—"

Her eyes immediately lit up as she recognized a Pokémon just behind Pikachu.

"Zorua!" she suddenly exclaimed as she ran towards him.

"What?" Pikachu asked, confused, as he turned his head around to see Eevee excitedly hugging a Zorua.

"I missed you so much!" Eevee said before she pulled away, "What are you doing here?"

"Of course I came to visit, silly," he said as he ruffled her head affectionately.

"Oh, Pikachu! I almost forgot to introduce you!" She told him and giggled as she signalled him to come closer, she then grabbed his arm and Zorua's. "Pikachu, this is my best friend Zorua, we've known each other since we were eggs."

Then she looked at Zorua. "This is Pikachu, I met him yesterday at the forest and we became friends! I hope we can all get along!" Eevee chirped.

Though both puzzled, they shook hands quickly just to make Eevee happy. "Huh... nice to meet you, Zorua!" Pikachu grinned nervously.

"It should be," Zorua stated and smirked mischievously.

"...Okay." The yellow mouse sweat-dropped as he muttered this.

"Now we can all play together! C'mon!" Eevee said as she ran to a nearby, giant oak tree. The two other Pokémon didn't move an inch.

"Um... it's a race, you Slowpokes!" she explained cheerfully.

"Oh! Okay!" Pikachu said. "Race you there, Zorua!"

"This race means more than you think, rat," the Dark fox responded, making Pikachu flinch at the last word.

"What do you mean?"

Zorua quickly, but harshly, whispered to his ear, "Eevee's mine, alright! She belongs to me."

Pikachu gasped in surprise. "And Eevee knows you think that?" he asked.

"Of course not," Zorua replied, "but who cares, she's going to love me someday anyway... and you, nor any other Pokémon, are gonna change her mind by the way."

"...Guys? What are you whispering?" Eevee asked, slightly confused.

"Nothing! Just tellin' Pikachu bro some racing tips!" he said as she ruffled Pikachu's fur (but not affectionately...).

"Okay, then," Eevee said, huffing up air. "Just hurry up already!"

"Alright!" Zorua answered, determined to win the race for Eevee. Pikachu was determined as well, but just for the sake of saving Eevee from this Dark-type.

"In 4!" Eevee started the countdown, "3!" Zorua looked at Pikachu evilly. "2!" Pikachu glared back competitively. "Go!"

Please remember to hit the little star if you enjoy! 🌟

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