Flaring fear

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Eevee slowly opened her brown eyes to see a violet-colored rock laying just in front of her nose.

Serena and the rest of her Pokémon were still asleep so she thought she should do something with it before someone tripped or stepped on it by accident.

Eevee cautiously reached out her paw towards it, after all, she had no idea what it was.

Her soft, light brown paw touched the mysterious stone...

... and nothing happened.

"Huh? I had the feeling something would happen for some reason?" she muttered under her breath, head tilting. But shrugged. "Oh, well..."

She grabbed it with her muzzle and put it on Serena's bag. "It's a really pretty rock, it may look well on a Performance!"

Pancham and Braixen started yawning, waking up.

"I should get breakfast before I have to socialize with anyone..."




Eevee was walking around, satisfied after her meal, when Chespin came running to her. "Hey, have my Poképuff! I don't want it~" he cooed in his sweetest tone, offering it to her.

"Um, n-no thanks... I'm full," she answered, shaking her head nervously. Chespin kind of freaked her out.

"You're never full enough for a Poképuff~!" He grinned, pushing it closer to her.

"N-no, really, I don't want it一" she stuttered at the accusation.

"N-no, really, I don't want it一" she stuttered at the accusation

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"You can have it!"

"I don't want it!"

"I said you can have it!"

"I said I'm full!"

"You must have it一!"

"Chespin…!" Pikachu yelled angrily, suddenly meddling between the two upset Pokémon as he leapt into Eevee's defense.

"Huh一? Too much...?" he asked, sweating intensely.

"Way too much," the mouse snapped.

"Agreed," Braixen nodded behind him, glaring at Chespin's insensitivity.

"A-am I making you uncomfortable again...?" he questioned Eevee's trembling figure.

"Y-yeah..." Eevee said softly, glancing away repeatedly. He quivered a bit before finally leaving. "I kind of feel bad for him..." she thought, ears lowering, as she saw him turn gloomy.

"Don't worry, I'll talk to him..." Pancham assured her, going after him.

"Not sure that's the best plan..." Braixen admitted.

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