I trusted you

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"E-Eevee!" Pikachu shouted agonizingly. A slight smirk appeared on Zorua's face.

As the two of them rushed back down the trunk to where she had badly landed. She opened her brown eyes with difficulty.

"Eevee... are you okay?" Pikachu asked worriedly.

"Pi-Pikachu...? What happened?" she asked softly, when she suddenly flinched in pain. "Ow! My leg, it hurts!"

"Pikachu pushed you from the Oak tree," Zorua stated plainly, eyes darkened.

"W-what?!" The Electric mouse yelped, "I didn't do it on purpose! I would never have hurt you, I'm so sorry, Eevee一!"

"It's okay, Pikachu. What matters now is getting help," Eevee interrupted him.

"...Should we get your parents, Eevee?" Pikachu asked, touching her shoulder with a frown.

"N-no... it's better if my dad doesn't find out... he can be really overprotective in these situations..." she said about the Umbreon, "I suggest we find my Aunt Leafia! She's a Leafeon and the Healer of the Forest!"

Pikachu helped Eevee stand back up, as her leg was badly hurt.

"Can you walk?" he asked worriedly.

"Barely," she said, "but I still can." Eevee started limping, leading the way. "C'mon, guys! Follow me!"

Pikachu's ears lowered with guilt.

"She must hate you now... I mean, who wouldn't? You almost killed her! You're lucky Eve's stronger than you think," Zorua whispered to Pikachu as they followed Eevee to Aunt Leafia's cave.


"She's not here!" Eevee exclaimed surprised. "She must be in one of her trips."

"What to do now...?" Zorua furrowed his eyebrows, sweat-dripping.

"Maybe we should tell your mother, Espeon..." Pikachu suggested, insisting in getting help from a fully grown adult.

Eevee thought on it for a minute. "Hmm... maybe we shou一"

"We could just find some healing berries ourselves!" Zorua interrupted Eevee.

"...What do you mean?" She tilted her head to the side, not understanding.

"I've seen a handful back at the Forest..." he explained.

"Isn't that forest supposed to be ultra dangerous?" Pikachu frowned, walking in front of Eevee as if to protect her from Zorua.

"Without the protection of an Eeveelution... yes, it is," Eevee told him, nodding.

"Then I don't think it would be a very smart idea to go there alone, Zorua," Pikachu stated.

"Oh, come on, dudebro!" Pikachu cringed at the nickname. "I basically live in that Forest! Don't you know, Eevee! It's my favorite route to come visit!" He winked at her.

"Eevee, don't tell me you're in with this!" Pikachu exclaimed, turning his head at the female Pokémon.

"I-I think it's best not to bother Mom, either..." she stuttered. "She probably would be angry."

"Well, I don't know you, but I would rather an angry mom than getting beaten by some Houndoom!" Pikachu said bitterly.

"You just got here yesterday, and you already think you can go around telling everyone what to do?! Wow, so funny of you," Zorua added sarcastically.

"Well, sometimes, friends from yesterday can care more about you than friends you've known all your life!" Pikachu glared at him, stomping firmly at his direction, but then his eyes softened as he said his friend's name. "...Eevee, I... care for you."

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