The End

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She threw herself at him and planted a passionate kiss on his muzzle; it almost felt like a Draining Kiss, but it instead gave him power.

The Eevee in front of him made the Pikachu feel like the happiest Pokémon on Earth.

The feelings stored in his heart for so long, seem to finally resurge again, so suddenly that he felt he was having a heart attack.

Neither of them wanted it to end; but it did.  She pulled away, having pinned him completely and now staring down at him with shiny, hopeful eyes.

Then four words escaped her lips, "…I love you, Pikachu. I love you so much."

He hated the fact, but he was too shocked from the past events to even answer. Despite the similarity of the night the Eevee had first confessed, she didn't seem nearly as nervous now.

Actually, her deep brown eyes boomed with confidence, or at least acceptance; which was something she strongly lacked last time.

"Don't worry! This time I won't run away no matter what you say," she affirmed, loud and clear, though he could still distinct the pink tint on her cheeks.

"Ee... Eevee…" The Electric-type's eyes softened as he stared proudly and heartfelt at the girl in front of him.

He was finally able to talk.

In fact, shout, "Of course I love you…! I've been waiting to answer you for so long...! To think it was always the same you! I love you, Eevee! Both versions of you! I always have!"

Even after the quite long confession, he didn't stop there. Cheeks beaming redder than usual, heart beating faster, Pikachu grabbed her head, giving her a loving, though much more brief kiss.

After so many emotions being displayed, Eevee couldn't help but giggle, loudly... but the tears on watering her eyes contradicted her. "Y-you don't know how happy I am…!"

"I haven't been happier in my life, Eevee." The mouse gave her a soft, though sincere, smile.

"Actually... my name… it's Hana."

"What?" Ironically to Pikachu's confusion, the brown Eevee started laughing.

It started soft, then got louder, fiercer, happier, it didn't stop. Light seemed to surround her the more she laughed... no, it didn't seem.

There was light! A blinding clear, pure light that forced Pikachu to close his eyes, while he became even more puzzled. The light coming from her dissipated, turning into it's more natural form. Pikachu opened his eyes.

Ketsueki, from the distance, looked like he had seen a ghost. But then, his expression changed into one of pure hatred.

Pikachu hollered to the top of his lungs, though no negative emotion was present. "Eevee! S-Sylveon…? Hana?!"

 "Eevee! S-Sylveon…? Hana?!"

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