Talk with Purin

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"Aye! Aye! We're going camping~!" Teddy kept singing under the clear blue sky. The gang (Pikachu, Eevee, Purin, Zeni and Teddy) had decided to sleep under the stars that night and they were marching their way up to the woods.

After what happened with the Houndoom and discovering that there are beautiful things in the forest, too, Eevee and Pikachu had become very interested in it, confident nothing worse could possibly happen to them by then...

Until suddenly that blue sky turned gray, and small droplets of water started pouring everytime faster and more intensely.

"A-ah! It's raining waterfalls!" Eevee exclaimed in distress, ears trying to cover her head.

"That's not a problem for me," Zeni said with glee as she danced under the rain.

"Well, of course, you're a Water-type!" Purin told her, annoyed. "Meanwhile, us non-Water-types are getting soaked!"

Pikachu tried to lift the group's spirits. "Don't worry, guys! I think we can figure it out as long as一"

Strong thunder was heard in the sky. "Okay, now that's a problem," Zeni muttered, scared by the lightning. "It probably isn't for you, though... right, Pikachu?"

"I don't think anything good could come of it, though..." He sweat-dropped. "It's better if we get back to camp before things turn ugly."

"Yeah! Let's go home, guys," Eevee agreed with him.

"Awww..." the Teddiursa whined. "But I wanted to see the stars..."

Purin grabbed his paw as she led the way. "You'll see them when it's not rainy." She smiled sincerely at him. As they all started to go back, an even stronger thunder and lightning struck, making Zeni scream loudly in fear and immediately bolt off.

"Zeni!" Pikachu yelled as they lost sight of her.

"Zeni! Come back!" Eevee ran after her without thinking.

Pikachu shouted alarmed, "Eevee! You shouldn't一!"

But Eevee had already disappeared between the trees; and the sky was getting darker and darker...

"Should we follow them?!" Purin asked, worriedly.

"...No," Pikachu answered, strong worry in his voice, too. "If we get separated even more, we'll all get lost. It's better if we wait for the storm to end, then we'll get them back!"

Purin nodded, understanding. "I hope nothing happens to them..."

"Me too," he stated, frowning.

Thunder roared again. "It's better if we find shelter soon," Pikachu said.

"I'm hungwy! And sleepy..." Teddy scratched his eyes sleepily as he yawned.

"Then... let's get going." He lead the way. "Let's keep our eyes open for a cave, guys!"


They walked around for what seemed an eternity but they couldn't find anything more than rocks.

"Ugh, why did we come to this forest again? I see anything special about it other than danger!" Purin complained as she held a sleeping Teddy in her arms. "He's getting heavy..."

"Don't worry! I have the feeling we're close to一"

His red cheeks sparked towards a direction; they looked that way to finally find what they were looking for.

"A cave!"

After making sure there was no other Pokémon inside, they settled in. Purin was now laying next to Pikachu as they both watched the rain pour.

"So... Pikachu... where did you live before moving into here?" she asked, trying to break the ice.

"A-ah... well..." He didn't know how to answer. He still hadn't told Eevee after all... could he trust Purin, maybe?

"I... used to have a trainer."

"Oh, really? Why don't you have it anymore?" the Jigglypuff asked, now curious.

"B-because I ran away." He stuttered, barely managing to say the last words.

Jigglypuff gasped slightly. "Was he that bad?"

Pikachu thought for a moment, carefully, before answering, "He didn't want me anymore."

"...I see," Purin said, gazing blankly into the distance. After moments of silence, she spoke again, "I ran away from my trainer, too."

"Really?" Pikachu asked, surprised.

"I also thought that she didn't love me anymore... but after a while I realized I was so wrong."

"I heard she went crazy looking for me after I escaped, and that she traveled to other regions... looking for me. Now the thing I regret the most, was running away from my trainer." She let out a sad chuckle as she finished the anecdote. "I miss her so much."

Pikachu looked at her in awe, then sadness. "I'm really sorry for you, Purin, but why didn't you try looking for her?"

"I tried for a while, but I never saw her again. Pikachu, are you sure your trainer may not be looking for you right now? This could be your last chance to go back to him, before it's too late." Purin warned him.

"Maybe she's right... about Ash." he thought, glancing away as rain droplets fell in front of him.

Suddenly flashbacks of the things Ash had done for him at the start of their journey came back to him: when he sacrificed himself, and protected Pikachu from the Spearrow under the rain... then they saw that rainbow-colored bird as it flew over them into the horizon.

It felt like destiny... how could he have forgotten all of that? Ash's strong dream of becoming a Pokémon Master, was so intense it rubbed off on him.

He wanted to fulfill that dream with him.

"...Pikachu... are you crying?" Purin snapped him out of his thoughts as the yellow mouse noticed tears pouring out of his eyes, like the rain.

"Purin... I miss my trainer."

"…Then you should go back to him."

"But I would miss Eevee, too."

"Well... who would you miss the most?"

"Honestly… I don't know."


After the rain, the five Pokémon finally reunited. As soon as Eevee saw Pikachu in the distance, she ran over to him in joy.

"Pikachu!" she shouted as she finally hugged him. He was a little shocked at first, but quickly returned the hug, sending a playful jolt of electricity to her.

"It tickles!"

She laughed and then playfully licked Pikachu's nose.

Soon the two started playing with each other like they hadn't seen the other in ages.

"Whoa, what's up with those two being so affectionate?" Zeni asked, a bit uncomfortable.

"Oh, come on! They're adorable!" Purin declared, turning her head at the Squirtle, arms waving on her sides.

"Didn't know you had a soft spot for adorableness..." she shot back.

"Well, I'm pretty cute myself and... I think… they need each other," the Jigglypuff replied with a bittersweet tone, feeling her heart breaking all over again.

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