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After their trip to the Forest, even though fun, Eevee and Pikachu were happy to be back to camp. It was the very early morning and the sun had started rising. "We're home!" Pikachu exclaimed gleefully.

"Shhh! We have to be quiet! Everyone's sleeping!" Eevee said as she quietly walked towards their cave.

"Oops, sorry," he said, slightly embarrassed as he followed her.

They both tiptoed through the dark room, passing by an sleeping Espeon and Umbreon, until they found their huge leaf beds, one over the other.

They both giggled as they thought they had gotten away with the whole adventure.

As Pikachu tried his best to fall asleep on the top leaf, he couldn't help but remember when he gave Eevee that yellow flower, as a reminder of him.

He started feeling dumb, for thinking that Eevee would actually feel attached to a flower...

"What happened to me...?" he thought, "I guess I just wanted to keep her happy... after all, I won't be staying here forever, will I? I know Ash has forgotten completely about me... maybe he's already left the region and became a Pokémon Master!" The thoughts made his eyes quiver... maybe he had become a wild Pokémon after all...

As both little Pokémon laid in their beds, they didn't notice sharp red eyes staring at them.

"What could they have been doing to return at these hours? At first, I thought maybe they were goofing around and didn't see the time coming? Or maybe that pesky Pikachu is up to more..."

Lots of theories appeared in the Dark Eeveelution's head.

"Go back to sleep, Blacky..." Espeon muttered under her sleep; she could read the Umbreon's mind.

It always caught him by surprise, and even though he actually disliked sleeping at night... he was afraid to not obey. "Sweet dreams, Eifie."


"Pass the ball, Eevee!" a joyful Jigglypuff called. Eevee tossed the ball with her head the hardest she could, wincing slightly afterwards.

It was Purin, a Jigglypuff that had lived at camp way before Eevee was even born; she wasn't that old, but she wasn't that young either. Eevee and her were occasional playmates, even if their personalities were very different.

"Almost got it... almost got it..." Purin wiggled her tiny arms trying to catch it, she leapt and finally got a hold of it. "Got it!"

"Pikachu, catch it!" she shouted at the electric mouse, who was too distracted checking on Eevee who laid on the ground.

"Pikachu!" she yelled, but all he did was express his worry.

"Eevee, are you hur一 Aah!"

Before getting hit in the head by the ball and falling to the ground as well.

"You sissies!" Purin claimed competitively as she took it herself and kicked it through a net hanging between two trees. "Goal!"

"How have I not met her before...?" Pikachu asked exhaustedly.

"No idea," Eevee grunted.

"Why are you still laying on the ground?! Let's play again!" Jigglypuff said excitedly.

"She's an aggressive little bundle of joy, isn't she?" Pikachu thought, fuming. "You really like this game, don't you, Purin?" he remarked as he stood up and sighed.

"This game is not any kind of game, Pika! It's called soccer!" the Jigglypuff answered.

"Soccer? What a strange name." he said.

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