Day 6

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It had been a long time since Shynee found out.

"Because that's what sisters do." Sisters... they were sisters?!

"What... what are you talking about?!" Shynee snapped, trying to break free from the hug she was pulled into.

She looked at Glacia straight in the eyes as she said it, "Shynee, I'm your sister!"

The shiny Glaceon scoffed. "Pfft, I don't have a sister. I'm an only child."

"No, you're not. I'm your big sister, Shynee... hasn't Mum, told you about me?" Glacia repeated.

"Mum? She wouldn't lie to me. We don't keep secrets to each other! Never."

"She had to lie..."

"Why? Why would she hide a full-grown sister from me?!" she growled in denial.

"Because I didn't want you involved in all these dangerous issues! You were barely even born... when I left, Dad had  disappeared..." Glacia explained, small, unnoticeable tears sprouting from her eyes.

"I wanted to look for him, so I became a spy for the Queen, but... we never found him."

Shynee gasped. "Y-you, you knew Dad?"

"Yeah. He was a good father and a great Pokémon..."

"W-what kind of Eeveelution was he? Mum's never told me, she's so sensitive about it!"

"Jolteon. He was a Jolteon…" the Glaceon answered.

Shynee gasped again, this time louder. "L-like Uncle Sparky?"

"Yeah, they were really close as brothers, they even evolved into the same Eeveelution."

"How did Dad disappear?"

"He ran away to look for Uncle Sparky after the trainers took him, he was never seen again..."

"How could that be possible?" Shynee asked herself after the flashbacks had ended. "He abandoned his own family, to look for his brother..."

"Queen Nymphia said it, I'm a royal. Almost a princess on the line-to-the-throne! But I never thought my Dad was the King's little brother!" the shiny Glaceon quipped, Rainer nodded in understanding.

"I would be hecking confused too if that was me!"

The Glaceon had found someone nice to talk to in the Vaporeon, something she hadn't really expected since he was mostly an easy going chatterbox that couldn't keep his mouth shut, but he was also a good listener.

"Rainer, did you know all this time Glacia was my sister?" she asked, rolling over the floor to face him.

"Nope. I don't know why, but those jerks never told me a word. I was literally the only one who didn't know!" he complained, rolling his eyes.

"Then I guess we were on the same spot." Shynee shrugged.

"So what's the matter then? Shouldn't you be happy you're not a commoner like everyone else?" Rainer questioned.

"Hey, it's not like I'm directly on the line to the throne, Glacia goes before me, and Eevee is before both of us. Also, what I'm really upset about... it's I never knew anything of this!"

"I grew up thinking my Mum was a snobby, shallow person and my father had abandoned us! Never mentioned a sibling, I legit thought my only left family were Uncle Blacky and Aunt Eifie and Eevee! But now turns out my uncle's actually my cousin and my cousin is actually my... huh."

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