Jolting thunder

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"Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!" Ash commanded with determination, pointing a sharp finger at the distance.

"Pika~! (Incoming!)" the Pokémon cried in response, jumping high into the air and doing a graceful somersault before throwing its special move at a giant rock as practice.

The rock broke into little pieces. "Perfect!" Ash exclaimed. "As always, good job, buddy!"

"Pikachu! (Ah, it was nothing!)" the mouse chirped, a bit embarrassed at the compliment. While the rest of the group were doing separate things, Eevee was discreetly watching Pikachu and Ash from the sidelines.

Her 'Pikachu Headaches' didn't happen as often anymore, as if she was starting to get used to him... and recover memories.

She also somehow enjoyed watching him battle, it was kind of an amazement seeing a commonly weak species as Pikachu be so godly strong.

Even if she was hiding behind the bushes, Pikachu easily noticed her presence, but didn't want to scare her off so he tried to ignore it.

She did do it every time he practiced with Ash. Very often, indeed.

"Get ready for your next move!" Ash told him, walking backwards until he reached a safe distance.

"Pikapi! (Go, Ash!)" He nodded happily at his trainer and friend.

"Pikachu, use Iron一"

"Excuse me!" Someone interrupted him all of the sudden. Both trainer, Pokémon (and Eevee) turned around surprised to see a girl trainer, about Ash Ketchum's age.

"Erm... what's your name...?" he asked, confused.

"My name is not of importance!" the newcomer said with a cheerful smile. "But my purpose, that is!" She chuckled in amusement, covering her mouth with her hand.

She had long light blue hair and vivid pink eyes, her short dress was white and pink with blue ribbons and bows and she wore high boots the same color as her hair. She seemed a lover of girlish and childish fashion.

"She looks like a Pokémon..." Eevee couldn't help but think, totally convinced. "I just can't recall which..." It was some sort of deja vu.

"Um, and what's your purpose?" asked a kind of dumb-founded Ash.

She giggled innocently. "Well, challenging you to a battle is part of it~ Would you do me the honor?"

"A battle?" He looked at his loyal companion for confirmation. The Pikachu nodded fervently. "We're always up for a battle!"

"Great, then you'll have no problem with it being, you know... in a more private place?" she inquired.

Ash glanced around the park they were currently in. "I see no problem in doing it here."

She flinched a bit. "Um, w-well, you see... I'm kind of new to this, and battling in public makes me panic easily. I wouldn't be able to give my all in such a crowded place!"

Pikachu frowned, feeling she was hiding something. "Well, I understand if you're shy. I mean, I always want to give my all as well. Where do you suggest we go then?" Ash answered, shoving his hands down his pockets, carefree as usual.

"I have the perfect place, believe me!" she squealed. "Where we won't be interrupted~" Her expression turned darker somehow.

"Sure," Ash said as he shrugged. "Lead the way."

"Pikapi Pikachu Pika Pika... (I don't like the sound of this, Ash...)" Pikachu muttered under his breath worryingly. She turned around, smiling brightly, and guided the two.

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