Family friendship

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"Cannonball!" Zeni shouted as she jumped into the water, splashing everywhere.

"Hehe! Zeni!" Eevee squealed, paddling on the water. Eevee and Pikachu were at the lake visiting the Squirtle, along all the other Eevees and Eeveelutions.

"Hey, Eevee! I can see your cousin Vaporeon from here! And there's Leafeon! Weird she's not busy... haha! Flareon doesn't dare to touch the water! But... I don't see your parents anywhere," Pikachu said, swimming by her side.

"Oh, yeah... my mom and dad are busy again..." Eevee sighed sadly. "I kind of miss them..."

Pikachu tried to cheer her up. "Well, look at the bright side! I'm here for you... and so are Zeni and Purin and Teddy."

"Yeah." Eevee's cheeks turned pink. "Y-you... you never leave me, Pikachu. I'm glad you're here!" she confessed, eyes shut close and face bright red; which went unnoticed by Pikachu.

"Hehe! No trouble! I like being near you!" He chuckled.

"Hey, you two~ Stop being so lovey-dovey!" The two turned around to see a pure white Eevee standing in the dry shore.

"Shynee! What are you doing here?" Pikachu smiled, friendly.

"Just wanted to enjoy a day in the pool," she said, "I see you and Eevee are having a good time."

"Oh, of course!" he chirped. "Don't you think so, Eevee?"

She mumbled something inaudible.

"...Eevee?" he repeated.

"Yeah, we were having a pretty good time..." she snarked (as much as Eevee's naturally soft voice could snark) before she swam away.

Shynee exhaled from her mouth, accidentally blowing air on Pikachu's face. "She's always like this... like I said something wrong to her…"

"I wonder why... Eevee is a really sweet Pokémon with everyone else," Pikachu objected concernedly.

"D-do you think she hates me?" The shiny Eevee quivered tragically.

"I-I hope not... you seem like a really nice girl, Shynee," Pikachu said, scratching the back of his head.

"You really think so?!" Her eyes lit up like stars.

"Huh... yeah," Pikachu affirmed, starting to regret his first statement.

Shynee's face turned a cute pink with happiness. "Whoa! Thank you!" She giggled. "It means a lot coming from you, you know~"

"He he... it's nothing... I'm gonna look for Eevee now," he said as he paddled away. After he was long gone, one of Shynee's normal Eevee friends came over to her.

"He's so cute!" the white Eevee commented. "So my kind of Pokémon, don't you think?"

"I know, right! Pikachus are so rare around! And this one seems pretty special," the brown Eevee next to her added.

"I think I'm going to confess to him... sometime soon," Shynee admitted.

"Wow! So you like him that much! You always rejected every boy that came to you," she responded with clear surprise.

"But like I said... he's different," Shynee said softly, her blue eyes sparkling.

"And there's no way he wouldn't like you back…!" The brown Eevee smiled.

"I know, right!" The shiny one puffed out her chest proudly.


"Eevee, why don't you like Shynee?" Pikachu asked, when the two separated from the others.

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