Who will I take with me?

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Pikachu slowly returned to conciousness as he opened his eyes, and immediately jumped into his four paws defensively.

"Where?! Where is she?! Where did they go?!" he hollered. "Where一 Eevee?" He looked behind him.

She was gone.

"Eevee?! She disappeared!" he cried desperately before running towards Serena who opened her arms as he jumped into them.

"Pikachu! Are you okay?" the girl asked worriedly.

"Pika Pika! Pika Pikachu Pika! (Eevee! She's nowhere on sight!)" He couldn't stop squeaking over and over his own name, before Serena looked at him grimly.

"They ran away, Pikachu... and they took Eevee with them. All I can hope is she's okay..." she said, feeling broken.

"Come on. Let's go get the rest of the gang!" She got up, determined. "We're getting her back."

Pikachu stared at her with momentarily sparkling eyes before turning determined as well. "Pika! (You read my mind!)"

Pancham and Braixen gave energetic cries as well before the four left the forest.

× × ×
"Grandma Nymphia," Eevee said after her grandmother had finished the story. "I have to see my dad."

"I know. You must return to Kanto, my dear!" the queen stated.

"The problem is... I never knew I was from Kanto."

"Once, you did, once upon a time~ you must go back. I can't say you're part of some legendary prophecy... but right now, Eeveelutions, and maybe Pokémon in general, need you, Eevee," Nymphia explained.

Eevee chuckled, frowning. "They need a little Eevee?"

"You'll be more than that, depending on what path you choose," the Sylveon said. "I'm afraid I cannot speak further, since it's not in my knowledge..."

"You can't tell me about... um, my memory loss?" the brown furball asked to make sure.

"Nope! I'm sorry, sweetie," the Sylveon responded.

"Shoot. How will I know about my past?" She frowned.

"Little by little, you'll remember your past, I believe," Queen Nymphia added, as if reading her mind. "Starting from the very start... to the darkest point."

Eevee stayed silent for a minute. "I don't know. I have to think this through. Leaving to Kanto? Before... I would have no problem. But now... I have a family, Grandma. I can't just leave."

"A human girl cares for me. And her Pokémon treat me like the siblings I never had. The other Pokémon are very nice, too. And there's Pikachu... we had our rough times, but I already feel really close to him."

"You mean to say…?"

"I can't just leave, Grandma. I can't go to Kanto."

The shiny Sylveon glanced at her before looking down and sighing, "Hmm, I see~"

"B-but I don't mean to be rude, o-or anything! I just wanna fulfill my dreams!" The small Eevee panicked at the thought of hurting her grandma's feelings.

"I... I wanna dance and do performances with Serena... I wanna see Pikachu battle more... maybe at the Kalos League~! And, I wanna stop being so shy…" She looked down, fiddling with her paws.

"Hmm, I see~" the female monarch repeated.

"I just wanna see everyone around me grow and be successful! Shynee says she's my cousin... is she really? She evolved into a really pretty Glaceon! Bunnelby makes me feel protected, like a big brother. And Pikachu really wants to be with me…!"

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