Never Forget

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Here comes trouble
No mistaking

The Kalos League had made a huge change in everyone. Everything.

It was the first time Ash Ketchum ever won in a Pokémon League, and even though he was more shocked than anything at first, shock turned into happiness and happiness turned into hope.

"I'm closer than ever to being a Pokémon Master," he declared to his Pikachu, "and I'm glad my first glint of a bright future was you, Pikachu. It's always you. We're finally achieving our dream...!"

The now Kalos Champion noticed the girl beside him: short honey-blonde hair, electric blue eyes... she gave him a look no one else in his life ever had.
And he finally noticed it.

I'd know you anywhere

"Only too late..." he remarked in his mind, as he swiftly turned his gaze away. Pikachu grabbed onto Ash's shirt, making the raven-haired boy look at him.

"Pikapi... (Ash...)" The Pokémon's eyes softened. He understood Ash's deepest feelings, and vice versa. "Pikachu... (Don't give up...)"

I could sail to the ends of the ocean and
Find you waiting there

Ash's lips finally curved into a small smile. "I'll never give up."

I've been searching and searching
Near and far

Meanwhile, Serena's head was filled with a whole other case. "It's time... our journey is over..." she stated, staring outside the window at one of the Pokémon Center's rooms.

Serena had to admit it: she was satisfied.

She made more friends than she could ever count. Even though from a start she wished they'd never separate, she now understood it as a normal part of life. They wouldn't be together forever... but they would be best friends forever.

Searching and searching

"That's true..." she muttered, a melancholic tone in her voice. She heard the soft steps of her Pokémon, the only friends who'd never leave her side, they were her family.

Pancham rushed to her, jumping on her shoulder and not letting go. Braixen ran to her from behind and gave her a tight hug, rivaling Pancham. And Hana walked by her feet, nuzzling her head on her boots and purring slightly.

Serena giggled in response to their affections.

And there you are

She lowered her head, her back facing them, and added, "I love you, guys."

Our wishes share a star...

I choose you
I choose you
What else can I do?

We're just too good together to part

What we've shared from the start
Feels like one beating heart
I choose you
I choose you


"I'll miss you, guys!" Ash exclaimed, giving a goodbye hug to each of them. "But don't worry! You'll be happy and safe in your new home... until I come back!" He was talking about Professor Oak's haven for all his past Pokémon.

Greninja was the last to come to him, lowering his head in a slight bow. Ash stared at him.

The ninja frog was glad his master won the League, even if not thanks to him, but the fact that it wasn't thanks to him hurt him ever so slightly.

He knew Ash and Pikachu had the strongest bond, the one that could never be broken, least replaced. But it hurt him. Especially now that he'd decided on a new future, a new purpose.

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