Discover yourself

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Eevee and the Queen walked for a while around the garden. Eevee would ask questions, and with a sweet, motherly smile, the ruler would answer.

"Um, I've been wondering... what should I call you?" the brown Pokémon asked, starting to relax at the new company.

The Eeveelution chuckled pleasantly. "Hmm~ Just call me Grandma, sweetie."

"Grandma... I never had one before."

"You did have one. You just didn't know you did. Everyone has a grandma," she responded. Eevee smiled warmly at the statement.

"Grandma, may I ask... what's happening? I used to have such a peaceful life in the forest... but I've suddenly been targetted, by, not only you, but a... um, Pikachu also. And now they're telling me I have an一 ar一"

She struggled to remember the word from the anxiety.

"Amnesia, dear…" Queen Nymphia answered quickly.

"Exactly! Have I been living a lie?! Are all my memories fake...? Is... is something after me?" Eevee asked. "Did I really love Pikachu before?"

The grandmother remained quiet. "Come here…" she spoke again, softly.

The eldery Sylveon reached a bow towards her granddaughter, and pulled her close in a hug. "What does your mind feel like?" she asked with concern.

"It's pounding, like a heartbeat," the Eevee noted, leaning in near the monarch's heart.

"I know it sounds cheesy, but listen to your heart," the Sylveon told her. "A lot can come out from an Eevee's love."

Eevee stood still in her grandmother's grasp for a while, pondering, before finally raising her head again. "Tell me… tell me everything, Grandma."

× × ×

Shynee was running away, to nowhere in particular, just away... from her. Glacia... had said some really mean things. Spiteful even.

"I don't want you here! Can't you understand?! I never wanted you here!"

Why did she said that?! Why was she so cold? What had Shynee ever done to her...? Even when she fouled her plans, and saved her cousin, she apologized!

Even though she didn't have to apologize...! What her and Lefia were doing was wrong and一

She stopped, panting heavily. Having her eyes closed for must of the run must have helped her get somewhere unknown.

She didn't care if she got lost, at all. "Now, I am Glacia. I'm a Glaceon, for the rest of my life..." Shynee muttered weakly, "Whenever I thought about evolving... I always thought about other evolutions... Espeon... Flareon... like Mom...?"

"Mom please find me..." she pleaded to no one that could hear her. "Take me home... please… I miss you so much."

"There you are..."

The shiny gasped in shock. How had she managed to reach her so quickly?! "Glacia! S-stay away!" she immediately hissed.

"Why...? Um. I came to, to..." the Glaceon tried to speak, but the other Glaceon wouldn't let her.

"Go away! I want to be alone," she shouted.

"No need to be aggressive..." Glacia muttered, glancing away. "Not that you would win in a fight anyways..."

Shynee's eyes glinted, challenging. "You think so?"

"I know so."

"I'm tired of you... understimating me..." Shynee growled between her teeth, squaring her shoulders. "It's time I show you your place... even my positivity has its limits..."

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