Queen Nymphia

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"It's okay, cuz," Shynee whispered with a broken voice. She really didn't want Eevee to go through this, but she had no choice.

She had firmed the contract after all, when she did not know what she was getting into... back when she was just a happy-go-lucky, naive little Eevee.

At least she wasn't self-centered or narcissistic anymore...

"W-what are you gonna do to me now?" The trembling brown furball struggled to speak.

"I thought you were supposed to have figured it out by now," Glacia said. "We're here for you."

"I... don't want anything to do with you!"

"It doesn't matter what you want. But what's good for everyone else!" Glacia barked.

She angrily stomped over towards the only Eevee now. "Can't you just do it?! We're asking you for something so easy... why? Why can't you stop being so weak and selfish?!"

"Gla-Glacia! Calm down!" Shynee hurried over to the other Glaceon, who was puffing with anger.

But as soon as the shiny laid a paw on the other, Glacia pushed it away. "And you... I'm so disappointed on you."

Shynee looked at her with a hurt look.

× × ×

The three Eeveelutions and the one Eevee were walking through a mossy cave. Gray and green covered it all, and the only light were the sunrays that managed to squeeze between the small holes on the walls.

It all seemed reminiscent to Eevee, even nostalgic and she couldn't help but stare at every little thing they passed by.

Her headache still remained, though at least milder now that Pikachu wasn't around. But the whole fact that he wasn't around made her head hurt as well.

Nobody spoke a word as they went through tunnels, or pass by other Eeveelutions (then Leafia and Glacia would nod their heads as a salute).

Totally not creepy.

Eevee was starting to get bored when--

"Hello, may I help you?" a voice said, right in front of them. "Oh, Glacia, Leafia, you're back! Any success?" the Vaporeon asked.

"Hello, Rainer..." Leafia said, a little unenthusiastically. "We... would rather not talk about it."

"Ah, I see..." He peeked behind the gloomy Leafeon and Glaceon. "I see you were at least half successful, though! Don't act so mean-spirited, girls."

The two just rolled their eyes, annoyed.

"Well, hi, young lady!" he chirped, speaking to Eevee. "We're all really anxious to meet you!"

Eevee cocked her head to the side, "Why? I'm just a normal Eevee... I don't even have a biological family…"

"Whoa! She really doesn't remember anything! She's totally brainwashed一"

"Rainer! Don't be more idotic than usual!" Glaceon snapped, lashing out at him.

"Hey, chill! She won't have amnesia for much longer," the Vaporeon reminded them in a laid-back tone.

"What...?! Amnesia?! Brainwashing...? What the heck are these Pokémon talking about...? I don't want to stay here any longer... What in the world一"

"We've got to suggest to the Queen to fire him someday…" Leafia admitted.

"Why was he even hired to begin with...?" the Glaceon asked in bewilderment.

"Because he's one of the Eevee Bros, duh," the Leafeon said. "Now open the door, will you?"

"Okay, okay...! Party poopers..." he muttered the last part before he opened the entrance behind him.

Eevee realised he was probably in charge of protecting whatever was inside...

And now they were going in.

' ' '
"Your Majesty," Leafeon said to the monarch before she bowed.

"Yes, my dear?" the same voice that Shynee already recognized and knew said.

"We have..." She coughed slightly. "Good and... not exactly good news."

The Queen's rose pink eyes narrowed. "Did you bring her…?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. Here she is." Leafia moved a little so the Queen could get plain sight of the small Eevee.

The old Eeveelution smiled once again. "Nice to finally see my other granddaughter."

"Wha一" Eevee muttered with even more confusion than Rainer had caused her before.

First of all, she wasn't sure what kind of Eeveelution the Queen was, since as she had learned just moments ago she was bad in the head, but she did recognize she looked special...

The Queen giggled, amused. "Ha, you must be confused~"

"Yeah, I am..."

"To get things clear, I am Queen Nymphia. I'm in charge of the sake of all Eeveelutions, and as you may think, it is a pretty tiring job... no wonder I look so old~" she joked.

"And yes, I am your grandmother as well... so, yes, you are Eevee royalty."

"Pfft... Eevee Royalty...?" Eevee thought it was a joke, stifling a laugh.

"...I'll explain that later, for now, know that you are a very important part in the media at these moments..." the Queen said.

"What do you mean?" asked the Eevee.

"The throne... your grandfather's desmise... a freaky dark presence taking over Eeveelution camps, mentioning you and leaving chaos behind its path when it doesn't find you..."

"I have a grandpa, too!?!" she imagined excitedly.

"But before mentioning anything else, come with me, darling," the Queen said before turning around, leading the way.

Eevee took notion and followed the grandmother, hoping all the mysteries could finally be solved...

Meanwhile, the three past Eeveelutions seemed astounded.

"She spoke to me, but she never took me away," Shynee mentioned.

"Jealous much?" Rainer teased behind them.

"No. Just, no."

"Ah! Looks like someone is finally turning into a real Glaceon!" he sputtered.

The shiny sighed. "Ah... you can be so annoying, you now that...?"

She noticed the older Glaceon was leaving with her head down. She tried to stop her. "G-Glacia! Wait! I can explain!"

The Glaceon turned around angrily, "I don't want you here! Can't you understand?! I never wanted you here!"

Shynee gasped, retiring her cyan paw.

"Glacia!" Leafia scolded her harshly, but as the Glaceon's expression softened at what she had said.

Shynee was the one to run away, crying.

"Look what you've done...!" the Leafeon said upsetly.

Glacia kept looking at the corner Shynee had just turned around. "...I didn't want her here... I didn't want her to know and get into this mess..." She shed a tear.

Totally 1002 words, pretty short chapter, but hey, it's something :P
Please remember to hit the little star if you enjoy! 🌟

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