Day 8

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It was early in the morning when Eifie, Pikachu, Eevee and Suisei heard a knock coming from the cave's entrance.

"I wonder who it is at these hours," Eifie muttered as she stretched her legs and walked towards the large leaves that served as a door.

She slid them open and was, at first, confused with what she saw.

"Um, may I help you, dear?" she asked the Eeveelution in front of her.

The shiny Glaceon gave her a wide smile. "You certainly may, Aunt Eifie!"

"Shynee?! You evolved!"

"Yes, but that's old news," the young Glaceon admitted with a wave of her paw. "There are way more important matters at hand, Auntie! I need to talk to Eevee."

It was understandable to say Eifie freaked out, but she hid it well. "Err, E-Eevee? Well..."

The night before, when Pikachu arrived with an overly bubbly Eevee and a stranger (though a nice one), she immediately knew nothing good happened with Blacky.

Pikachu tried to convince her that she probably just hit her head on a tree, but she knew it was more than that... and a few Oran Berries wouldn't be enough to give her memories back.

The violet Espeon sighed: she decided it would be best not to tell her niece.

"She's inside with Pikachu." Eifie smiled at her, while pointing inside with her forked tail. "They just woke up."

"Okay! Thanks, Auntie!"

Pikachu turned his eyes at her, gladly surprised to see the familiar Eeveelution. "Shynee? Good to see ya一"

"No time for small talk. This is urgent! URGENT, I say!" she answered straight to the point, face serious.

"What's wrong?!" Pikachu inquired, now nervous.

Eevee stared at both of them, confused on who the new Pokémon was, though she kept her characteristic grin; Suisei didn't look too confused, but amazed to find another shiny like him (even if of another species).

"Queen Nymphia, Glacia and Leafia were kidnapped…!" the Glaceon exclaimed, sounding quite concerned. "While they received me at the seashore last night, a tall, dark creature suddenly fought us... and… only I could escape."

Ash's Pikachu gasped, shocked. "Why was that?"

"Grandma jumped in front of me... and told me to run…" she explained further, glancing away. "So I ran. I feel kind of ashamed now..."

"No, you did well. If you hadn't escaped Eevee and I wouldn't know anything!" he assured her softly, but then frowned. "...What are we gonna do?"

"I don't know where he took them... But he mentioned... 'darkness', 'a lair' and... 'trees'? Lots of them," Shynee mentioned, remembering every detail. "'You'll find me in the darkness, a lair made of trees, come for me'… that's what I recall he said."

"A lair made of trees... in the dark? Huh..." Pikachu pondered deeply about the words said.

Then a chirpy voice interrupted. "The Dark Forest?"

Everyone turned to look at her, surprised at her deduction. "Huh. That actually makes sense, cuz!" Shynee beamed.

"Yeah... it does!" Pikachu agreed, with slight surprise. "Can't believe I was so dense not to notice!"

"Hmm. It seemed pretty obvious to me from the start," the shiny Zorua muttered, unfazed while laying on his back.

"That's where he must be then... the Dark Forest!" Shynee concluded with determination. "The only problem, the Dark Forest is a very darn big place. He could literally be anywhere…"

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