Search of the Oran Berry

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"What do you mean there are no more Oran Berries?!" Pikachu shouted agonizingly.

"I'm sorry, Pikachu, but you ate them all," the Glaceon assigned to the berry management in the Camp said, deadpan.

"What?! That Pikachu ate all the Oran Berries in stock?" Leafeon, suddenly appearing, asked angrily.

"I was hungry, alright... also I heard it's good for your health!" he defended himself, glancing away.

"Exactly! I need those berries for damaged patients! They're essential!" the Leafeon shot back, even angrier.

Eevee tried to jump in Pikachu's defense. "Um, I apologize for Pikachu's gluttonous behavior, and would like to volunteer both of us to look for more Oran Berries," she said nervously, standing in front of Pikachu as if to protect him.

"Are you sure, Eevee? It's kind of a difficult task," Leafeon told her niece, "those berries only grow inside the Dark Forest."

"Oh, you mean the woods nearby? Pikachu and I一" She interrupted herself, after all the adults didn't know the adventures she and Pikachu had. "Err, I mean, I think we can manage it."

"Alright, then, do you agree, Pikachu?" she asked the electric mouse with a smile.

"I'm always up for an adventure! Especially if it's with Eevee! Oh, and you, too," he said, sparkling with determination.

"Eifie, are you okay with me taking your daughter... and her, um, friend?" the Leafeon questioned to the Espeon, who just nodded gleefully.

"Oh, of course! I know you'll protect them, you've been there countless times, after all," Eevee's mother approved. Looking at Pikachu with hesitation, Umbreon nodded.

"Thanks, mom! Thanks, dad!" Eevee chirped.

"We won't cause any trouble, sir!" Pikachu assured them, mostly Eevee's father.

"We'll leave at noon. When the sun's higher up," Leafeon declared, turning around to get back to her clinic as the Pikachu and Eevee cheered together behind her.


"Alrighty! I finished packing what we'll need. Let's go, kids," Leafeon said, now having returned with an empty bag to carry the berries.

"Have fun, you two!" Espeon chirped at them. "Be careful," Umbreon added, before gently licking his mate's cheek, who sat next to him.

"We will!" the two shouted in unison as they followed the Grass-type.

As they got deeper and deeper into the forest, Pikachu and Eevee walked closer and closer together.

"It's getting chilly," he said, trembling.

"That's a good signal, it means the closer we're to our destination," Leafeon assured him.

"Now that I think about it... what should I call you, Leafeon?" Pikachu asked curiously.

"Well... my name's Leafia, you can call me Leaf," She smiled kindly at him.

"Kay, I'll call you Aunt Leaf!" He smiled cutely.

"I never mentioned the 'aunt' part, but sure, I am Eevee's 'aunt' after all." She chuckled.

Suddenly they heard rustling on the bushes near them. Eevee gasped. "Who's there?!"
There was more rustling until a wild Pokémon appeared. "Teddy? What are you doing here?" Eevee asked her friend.

"I'm looking for my mama," the baby Teddiursa said, hand on his mouth.

"What? You lost her?" Pikachu asked.

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