Raining chaos

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Few minutes later, Eevee realised that "the voice inside her head" was actually right behind her.

The evolution Pokémon turned around to see the familiar electric mouse standing there. "Should I run?" she asked herself as he slowly approached her, almost like he was about to jump on her any second.

She glanced into his dark eyes and her head started hurting again. "...I can't just keep running away from my problems." So she stayed on her spot, being the strongest (and bravest) she could.

He kept quietly stepping towards her. "Please don't run away..."

"I-I won't…" She gulped down her throat.

He sighed with relief. "I want to talk to you, Eevee." As they stood in front of the river, circled by wide bushes and trees, a blue mermaid-like tail emerged from them and with the tip of its fin touched the lake...

... and the calm waters became extremely turbulent.

"A-ah?! What's going on?!" both exclaimed at the discovery, surprised. Suddenly, a giant wave rose from the others and sucked Pikachu into the water. He shrieked, scared. He tried to swim away but the strangely strong waves kept pushing him one way or another.

Eevee watched him, not exactly knowing what to do.

"Eevee! Please... help!" he cried, paddling helplessly. She didn't hesitate, she immediately leapt to the wild river. Eevee might be a scaredy cat, but not a coward.

She paddled her feet the hardest she could, swimming towards him. Waves made her and the Pikachu rise and dive into the water, making it more difficult.

When she got close enough to him, she yelled at him to grab her tail as she pointed it at him; he obeyed as quick as he could, not letting go.

Eevee then directed them both out of the water, Pikachu helping her from behind to not get carried by the current again.

They finally jumped to the shore, and soaked wet, shook the water out their fur. They looked at each other, panting tiredly. "Now that was something..." Pikachu managed to say.

"P-please... don't do t-that ever again," Eevee pleaded, between tired gasps and soft coughs.

"Don't worry, I don't think I would want to."


"Thank you, Eevee... for saving me," Pikachu's sincerely grateful eyes gazed at her in awe. She looked back at him. "You were very brave." he added, lips quirking up.


Her head didn't hurt as much anymore.

Then she saw a memory go through her head: it was her saving someone from the water as well, it looked like they were drowning...

So she had rescued someone before in the same situation...?

"I t-think we should r-return to the others, Pikachu... they might be worried," Eevee mumbled, staring down at her paws as she fidgeted nervously.

"A-alright. We need to dry our fur."

Eevee nodded, running away.

Pikachu looked at her go, a bit saddened but also relieved everything turned out okay.

As soon as Eevee left, the water returned to its previous calm state, surprising the mouse. The mysterious Pokémon chuckled as it left a rock next to Pikachu while he was distracted, and disappeared between the bushes again.

Pikachu turned around to see a Water Stone laying beside him. "Huh...? What's this doing here?"

Knowing it wouldn't do anything to him, he grabbed it and ran back to the group, in the opposite route Eevee had taken.




At nighttime, when everyone was sleeping, Pikachu went to Serena's tent.

There he saw Eevee, laying under her trainer's arm for protection. Not wanting to wake her up, he quietly tip-toed inside and left the Water Stone in front of her, thinking she would be interested in it.

Then he left as soon as he arrived, giving one last glance at her and sighing contently.

Then he left as soon as he arrived, giving one last glance at her and sighing contently

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A/N: A bit of a short chapter, can you guess who the mysterious Pokémon was? ;)

Please remember to hit the little star if you enjoy! 🌟

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