Little Butterfree

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"Bet you won't catch me!"

"Bet you I will!"

A few days afterwards, Eevee and Pikachu were chasing each other in one of the wide fields in the camp.

They ran around in circles playing tag, when they bumped into an eerie cave. Just in the middle of the field.

"What's something like this doing here...? I've never seen it before!" Eevee remarked.

"Well, it is hidden in the extremely tall grass," Pikachu said excitedly. "It's making me curious."

Moments of silence.

"Should we go in?" Eevee suggested.

"Why not?" Pikachu answered with adventurous feelings. "We can deal with anything inside!"
His cheeks sparked strongly with electricity.


So they went in. And they weren't really surprised at first. "It's just a normal cave... nothing new." Eevee sighed, eyelids drooping.

"I'm kind of... disappointed," Pikachu admitted.

"Well, it's better like that," Eevee told him, glancing at his frowny face. "Mom doesn't want us to get into any more trouble and Dad doesn't even want me to hang out with you..."

"I don't know why he doesn't like me... I get along quite well with everyone around here," he wondered, eyes getting lost in the sight before him.

"Me neither... he was never like this with Zorua," Eevee said, ears hanging low.

Pikachu flinched at the mention of the Dark Fox's name; he couldn't believe Eevee could still talk about him and not start bawling or getting reasonably furious. He still wanted to change the subject, though.

"Hey, Eevee, look!"

He pointed at a dirty, round box, laying near a corner of the cave, seemingly abandoned. "What's that?"

She sniffed the object, doing an inspection. "I have no idea... but it smells weird," she stated.

Pikachu could recognize that smell anywhere. "It smells like human!" he realised, amazed.

Since Eevee was a born wild Pokémon, she wouldn't know the smell.

"Whoa! A human artifact!" She gasped in delight. She had always been curious about humans, yet she was also scared of them. "Does it work?"

She pressed one of the buttons, suddenly it burst into music, amazing both Pikachu and Eevee. Pikachu started moving his ears to the rhythm, and not containing himself, it soon turned into dancing.

"Pika Pika."

"Pika Pika."

"Pika Pika."


Eevee giggled at the sight, but she herself got sucked in.

"Hey I know this song! My mom used to sing it to me!" she exclaimed, before quickly jumping over the 'music box' and singing out the lyrics.

"I've been searching for very long
All across Kanto
Just to find, to find my samurai
Someone who's strong
But still a little shy
Yes, I need, I need my samurai."

"Ay, ay, ay!
I'm your little Butterfree!
Purple, white and blue,
Make the colors in the sky!
Ay, ay, ay!
I'm your little Butterfree!
Purple, white and blue,
Make the colors in the sky!"

"I've been searching in the woods
And high upon the hills
Just to find, to find my samurai
Someone who won't regret
To keep me in his net
Yes I need, I need my samurai."

"Ay, iyaiyai
Ay, iyaiyai
Ay, iyaiyai
Where's my samurai?"

They two danced together like the song was made for them; just enjoying the moment.

"Ay, iyaiyai
Ay, iyaiyai
Ay, iyaiyai
Where's my samurai?"

"Ay, iyaiyai
Ay, iyaiyai
Ay, iyaiyai
Where's my samurai?"

"Ay, ay, ay
I'm your little Butterfree
Purple, white and blue
Make the colors in the一"

"What the heck is going on here…?!"

The music suddenly stopped like a broken record and the two partying Pokémon did as well, specially when they saw who it was.

"Purin?!" they both exclaimed in utter shock at being caught red-handed.

"What are you doing here?!" Eevee asked, extremely scared all of the sudden.

"What I am doing?! This is my cave! Literally the only place I can have privacy! Well, until now that is..." She huffed, crossing her arms.

Eevee and Pikachu's faces turned red like Tamato Berries.

"A-ah! We're s-sorry for crashing into your home, Purin!" Eevee apologized deeply. She bowed in front of the Jigglypuff. "I beg for forgiveness!"

Purin's eyes softened. "Oh, Eevee... it's not really that big of a deal... I did have to show it to you someday... just not like this. And Pikachu…"

She looked at the yellow mouse with a smile, who honestly didn't look nearly as regretful as Eevee. "If you broke any of my things, you're dead."

Please remember to hit the little star if you enjoy! 🌟

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