Chapter 1

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                 Introduction to the Past lives of the seven vampire brothers.

                                                                                  18th Century

Our story begins in the early eighteen hundreds. Rumours of a sighting of vampires were spread throughout the small village of Pretavaadhit. It was said that deep in the nearby forest villagers who went hunting had seen human-shaped figures with red glowing eyes that shone brighter than their torches and lamps. Many villagers did not believe this but those who did were paranoid with fear. They all hung garlic in front of their doors, hid their children when night fell and kept their holy crosses close by. The villagers who strongly disbelieved carried on their lives as usual but that all changed on that mysterious night. Screams were heard coming from a cabin near the forest. Villagers who heard quickly rushed to find a mind-blowing discovery.

 There on the wooden floor lay ten lifeless bodies drenched in blood, two, in particular, were identified as vampires because of their pale skin colour and their long pointy teeth sticking out their mouths like weeds of grass, in addition to that a trail of blood was found in front of the doorway leading all the way into the deadly forest. News of this tragic misfortune spread like wildfire throughout the village and soon everyone, man, woman, and children, locked themselves in the comfort of their homes and only the men would leave at night to go and hunt for food. As an extra precaution they followed the ways of the previously traumatized villagers, but little did they know that garlic and holy crosses did not affect these vampires. Only a stake through the heart and only through the heart could kill them. 

Although vampires were said to be able to live no matter what happened to them this generation was forced to live in fear because they were weak. They lacked a constant supply of blood and meat in their diet due to the animal population slowly decreasing. These vampires were once fearless creatures who looked death straight in the eye but that was just dust in the wind. All this was lost when their courageous leader, Venom, died. His bold, ruthless and aggressive behavior earned him his peoples' respect and admiration. 

He always encouraged them to be predators, not prey. He was the best leader to ever live but eventually, all flowers must wither. Venom died. He was killed by Aria his, flesh, blood and the only person he could have called family. Aria had asked him to accompany her to see a breath-taking view at the end of the forest. Venom, showing weakness, could not turn down his sister and agreed. When they both arrived, Aria told her brother to look up and he did but before he could blink Aria sent a stake straight through his heart.Helplessly he fell flat on the floor groaning. Aria took no pity upon her brother and had no remorse for what she had done, she then stepped in front of his motionless body and laughed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Venom: "Why would you do this to me Aria, have I done anything to hurt you?"

She burst out into laughter. 

Aria:"Oh how foolish you are brother."  

Venom was confused. 

"I'm doing this for revenge,"  Aria said grimly. 

"I was next in line to be the leader of the vampires but then you came along showing off your skills and I was rejected, so I planned to kill you, our precious leader, and take your place." 

Venom was stunned, he had never thought his sister would do something like this. Aria, completing what she had set out to do, left Venom to die. As soon as she left a pack of hungry wolves were hunting and picked up the scent of his blood slowly flowing down from his chest. They followed it until they came to where he laid static on the ground. He was in werewolves territory and that provoked their leader. He then howled which summoned the rest of the pack and they ripped Venom to shreds.     

Author's Note

So its been like two years since I've written this book and I realize there are a lot of mistakes and so on. I'm actually surprised people still read it THANK YOUUU btw. To me the book is kinda unorganized and I expect a lot of criticism and comments on how I phrased and described certain things. I have no problem with that. This book was written an amateur who wanted to express their thoughts through writing but did a poor job. In future I hope to do better and thank you for your support.

I am not really going to edit as I see this as progress for my writing. If you have any suggestions for stories feel free to pm me or comment. Happy Reading.

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