Chapter 15

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"Who are you?" I whimpered.

"I am Namjoon," he replied.

"Namjoon that name sounded familiar."

"Why did you bring me here?"

Namjoon: "Because you are going to be mine," he smirked.

"Yours, what do you mean yours?"

"My bride"

He's crazy if he thinks I'm going to be his bride.

Namjoon: "Oh, so you are refusing well you are going to stay in this room until you confess your love for me."

"And don't think of escaping because I will hunt you and you'd better pray I don't find you cause you'll be sorry."

He walked out the room and closed the door. I ran towards it and turned the knob but it wouldn't budge. I sighed.

"It's locked."

I slid down the door, thoughts raced through my mind.

"My life can't end like this."

I got up and went to the window. I stood staring at the neighborhood and leaned on the glass. It opened and I almost fell to my doom. I held on the edges of the wall and pulled my self up. A smile formed on my face.

"Well, Well looks like Namjoon forgot to lock the window."

"But how am I going to get down."

Just then I noticed a large tree with a long branch that stretched out to the window.



I climbed out the window and onto the branch. I struggled to get to the stem of the tree.


A branch scraped my arm. Blood seeped through the brim of cut and trickled down my arm. I wiped it on my pants and continued.

I managed to pull myself through. I slid down the tree and landed on the ground. I wasted no time and ran as fast as my legs could go. My apartment was just ahead. I ran up the stairs, into my room and locked the door. I paced around the room in circles with my hands on my head murmuring the same word over and over again.



"Namjoon, why does that name sound familiar?"

Then it clicked.

"He's the one from my dreams, but isn't he a...."

I was interrupted by a voice.

"Hi Y/N."

I turned around and saw him sitting on my bed.


"How did you find me."

"I told you I would find you and I did, now for the consequences."

He got up and walked in my direction. I stumbled back jamming the door. The palm of his hand was on the mid-section of my back. He placed the other on the side of my head and pulled it. My neck was now disclosed to him. He smirked unveiling two sharp fangs. I felt a stinging pain in my neck as he bit in. My blood was slowly being drained. I struggled to breathe, my arms hung dead at the side of my hip and I lost feeling of my legs. He stopped and my body was motionless, his hand was still on my back as I stood like a doll in his arm.

 I sat up gasping for breath my hands choked my neck as my body trembled. My neck burned from the bite.

"It's about time you got up."

Oh gosh, why can't he leave me alone. It was just then I noticed this wasn't my room. It was the same one he brought me to before.

"OWWWWWW!" I yelled while rubbing my hand on the bite mark.

He stood in front of me, my hands dropped to the side of my body. He passed his hand by the mark. I let him do it because my life couldn't get any worse.

The mark was gone and I felt no pain.

"WOW!" I exclaimed totally astonished                       

"Now...Why did you bite me?"

Namjoon: "As I said before if you leave you'll be sorry."

"Now try to escape I can go for a second round," he licked his lips and smile.

"No thanks, I'm good."

Namjoon: "Come with me."

He grabbed my arm and dragged me downstairs. We came to the living room. There were 4 large couches boxed together and in the middle, was a beautiful glass table with a vase filled with roses. Déjà vu it was the same as my dreams. We sat on the first couch close to the staircase. I kept my distance from him but he laid his head on my lap. I looked into his sparkling blue eyes and saw my reflection. He looked exactly the same from my dreams. Same low-cut blonde hair, beautiful eyes, and pale skin. The only thing different was his clothes.

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