Chapter 27

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I opened the tap and let the warm water fall on my bruises and scars. They pained a lot and I could bearly even lift my arms because of Hansung. The warmth of the water trailing down my skin made me feel a how inside. I tried to let go of my anxiety but it wouldn't go it haunted me. As I was about to step out a blacked-out blur befell my eyes. Darkness stormed my vision keeping me away from the wonders of light. I slid down the bathroom wall as the falling drops of water felt like icy cold daggers stabbing me. I was afraid once more, alone, confused as to what I would do. I hugged my knees welcoming the tears as they streamed down the cheeks of my lost face. I felt a pounding sensation in my head like a hammer was being knocked on my skull over and over again. 

I could take it no more, I wanted all my problems to disappear, for everyone to go away. I didn't want to have to face reality any longer. That I never had any friends in my life, I never really knew my parents and that I'm forced to live knowing everything and everyone is a lie. I missed him, his warm embrace, the way he stroked my hair and his ear-catching voice that makes my cheeks burn. I looked at the ring he gave my wishing I was with him again even though I bearly even knew anything about his life. Why are some people just lucky to have everything. They have it made all the friends they could fit in a house, a family who spoils them to the core,  brains like Einstine,  incomparable beauty, someone who is always there to be their knight in shining armor. They never have to worry about anything but little did I know I once had this life too. All these thoughts conjured in my mind as I gazed into the diamond of the ring then I saw him. 

The man who's been haunting my dreams for the past years I've lived. He wore the same white button-up shirt and jeans as I saw him before. His blonde low cut hair bounced back to its original state as he combed his slender fingers through them. He held out his hand to me with a blank expression on his face. My shaky palm touched his and he grasped my hand pulling me up reaching under his chin. He hummed the melodious tune of my favorite song which put my mind at ease. I didn't want him to leave me again. His humming came to an abrupt end and he spoke. "You must come back home," I heard the concern in his voice as he continued. "Leave and come back to me Hansung does not love you he's using you," my eyes sprouted open as those words banged my eardrums. I saw that the water almost reached my chin. I stood up and turned off the water then wrapped myself in my towel and proceeded to my room.

When I came back  Hansung had already picked out an outfit for me. I chuckled aww he's so sweet lie.  I slipped on the cream V neck top with the words smile boldly printed in a gold color (If only I could smile right now) and a pair of blue ripped skinny jeans. I slipped on the clothing and went downstairs, obeying the many signs TO LEAVE Hansung, thinking of how to ditch him. I arrived downstairs to be greeted by the intoxicating scent of blood. Ugh already. I scoured the house looking for Hansung but he wasn't home. I smirked knowing this was my opportunity to finally leave this desperate animal and go away. 

I opened the door and stepped outside breathing in the smells of nature. I took another step forward but ceased when I saw a scorpion with its stinger ready to inject my foot with its deadly poison. I stumbled back falling on my but. I slid back trying to avoid dying which wouldn't be a bad thing but still. I couldn't move anymore as my back jammed against the wall. The scorpion came closer to me. I quickly searched to see what I could use as something to kill the little sucker all I found was a long piece of wood. I grabbed it and was about to hit the nuisance one and kill him when a hand grabbed my wrist. The scorpion was gone and there was Hansung staring at me with a mouth full of blood dripping onto the floor. I let go of the wood and it fell on the floor.

Hansung: "Going somewhere cookie," he said with a sadistic smirk. Agh that name he calls me it contributes nothing to my personality.

"No, I was looking for you and didn't see you so I thought you'd be outside," lie actually I was looking for a way to get out of this prison and back to Namjoon but I wanted to say this but couldn't tell him that cause he'll beat me.

Hansung: "Aww you were looking for me and not that low life Namjoon."

How dare he say that about him.

"Yeah, of course, I was," I faked a smile.

Hansung leaned in closer causing the blood running from his mouth to drip on to my top. I stared at his deadly eyes trying to keep calm.

Hansung: "You no good liar," he chuckled under his breath but I heard.

"What do you mean?"

Hansung: "You know exactly what I mean Y/N!" Wow, he actually said my correct name.

"Wow you actually know my name," I said sarcastically.

Hansung: "Don't sass me or else your dead body is what your little boyfriend will see next time he gets mail, Capece."

"Ahhh he's not my boyfriend but I wish he was he's better than you, you beat me for no reason!" I yelled at his face.

Hansung: "Aww you fool I can't believe you don't know that you're Namjoon's," he laughed.

"Wait, what? Pause right there flappy beak what'd you mean I'm Namjoon's?"

Hansung: "You said it yourself that you belong to him right?"

"Yes but only cause I thought you'd let me go."

Hansung: "Well you waisted a whole thought."

"Ahh just tell me what you mean or I swear I will scream," I said threatening him.

Hansung: "I've killed men who scream worst than you so your petty screams mean nothing to me."

I gave him a look.

Hansung: "Ahh not like that you little..."

I cut him off, "Just I don't care what you think I think just spill the beans okay," I said getting annoyed.

Hansung: "You're married to Namjoon."


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