Untitled Part 23

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We arrived in front of a mansion big built just like Namjoon's. I massaged my shoulders occasionally groaning after what previously happened. Thank the lord my scream is annoying it made Hansung's ears bleed, well according to him. The doors flew open and I was pushed inside by a pair of muscular hands. I stumbled and fell on the cold, solid tiles. My hands were tied behind my back with a rope. It was so tight I felt my blood drip from my hands. A long strip of white cotton was pulled back over my mouth by no other than mister charmer (Hansung). I tossed my body left and right trying to break free. My voice cracking as I nearly screamed my liver out. He pulled back on the cloth with much force as if he was trying to tear of the skin from the opening of my mouth. My screams grew louder and louder until he was satisfied with what he had done. I was untied and the cloth was removed. A bloody sensation overran the taste of my mouth. I fell face down on the tiles crying thinking about what I've done to deserve this. My eyes were bloodshot and an insecure feeling came over me. My body trembled apart from feeling cold. A vision or memory slowly formed its way in my dark mind.

The sound of broken glass echoed in the enclosed room. My hands got slits as I carelessly picked up the shards attempting to clean the mess before Namjoon could cut himself. Tears streamed down my face as the broken pieces sliced through my flesh leaving a stinging pain. I was finished clearing the big bits now to get a broom and scoop to sweep out the rest. I got up blood slowly making its way through the cuts I attained and stepped on the slippery tile, made by the water spilled when the glass vase fell, making my way to the door. I took an unbalanced step forward and slipped on the tile falling back. I braced myself for the pain of probably a thousand pieces of chipped glass to be lodged into my back from the floor but instead, a pair of hands wrapped around me terminating what would have been a very painfilled tragedy. My curious gaze met a worried one as I examined the person who caught me in the nick of time. It was Namjoon who looked as if he was disrupted from his daily blood intake as seen by the red stains on his lips. 

"T- thank you," I stammered as he helped me back to my standing position.

I wiped away my tears and quickly hid my hands behind my back hoping he wouldn't see but it was a foolish attempt.

Namjoon: "Why are your hands bleeding?" He asked sounding worried.

"My hands aren't bleeding, what makes you think that?" I awkwardly replied.

Namjoon: "Because I don't remember putting on a white T-shirt with red stains on it," he sarcastically said while stretching out both sides of his T-shirt.

"Y/N you know you can't lie to me right?"

"Yes," I replied still sniffling.

Namjoon: "Then show me your hands princess," he kindly gestured.

"Ahh, I told you not to call me that," I annoyingly ranted.

Namjoon: "And I told you to show me your hands but you refused PRINCESS!"

This time he grabbed my wrists pulling them to him. I let out a slight scream as water blurred my vision. He didn't utter a word he just examined the cuts on my hands.

Namjoon: "SEE YOU'RE BLEEDING AND YOU WANT TO HIDE IT FROM ME!" He screamed making the tears flow down my face.

I pulled my hands away from him blocking my face. He saw the way I reacted and pulled me into a hug. My head was leaned against his chest and he stroked my hair which calmed me a bit. My palms were against his shoulder blades. I tried to remove them but he put them back.

"But I'll stain your.."

I was cut off by his soothing voice, "Shh it's alright now there's no need to cry. I'm sorry for the way I acted my sweet princess."

All my worries faded. I felt so secure in his grasp it was like the world didn't exist anymore. Him calling me princess didn't seem to bother me at all. He looked down at me and spoke.

Namjoon: "Now let's get those cuts dressed," he warmly said.

My blood boiled as a warm feeling traveled my body. Butterflies swarmed in my stomach and it suddenly became hot like was being held over a fire. I was interrupted from my fantasy by a deep manly voice repeatedly calling my name and I immediately snapped back to reality.




My eyes jumped open to see it was Hansung positioned on the side of me. The warmth given off by a blanket covering my sore body kept me from freezing and my head was fixed comfortably on a fluffed pillow. It was then I realized I was on a bed. Hansung had changed his clothes. A long chain stringed with skulls as pendants dangled on his tattoed neck. He wore a black BLK Dnm leather jacket and grey armless under which overlapped his royal blue jeans. For a devil he had syle. The sound of complete silence filled the atmosphere and the stillness between us was unbroken. My eyes locked with his as he leaned forward. I could see the fiery rage that consumed his soul through the pupils of his eyes. 

Hansung: "Did Namjoon ever do this to you?" He asked looking at me from head to toe.

I gazed at him confused about what he had asked. I then looked under the blanket and saw my previous clothes were gone. I was now wearing a pair of long black soft pants glazed with silver stars and a crocheted turtleneck sweater. His kind actions surprised me. My amazement expanded when I raised my sleeves only to see my wounds were cleaned and bandaged.

"I'm not sure. I don't think so, " I awkwardly said.

To be honest I didn't even know what he was talking about.

Hansung: "What do you mean you don't know hasn't Namjoon told u anything Y/N?" He angrily questioned.

"No, What are you talking about Hansung?" I worriedly asked.

Hansung: "Namjoon is lying to you Y/N. "

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