Chapter 24

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"What do you mean Namjoon is lying to me? I've only known the guy for two days even though it feels like years," I spoke knowing not of what he nor what I was talking about.

Hansung: "You really are lost," he said in a baby voice which annoyed me.

"What the hell are you talking about Hansung?" I spat.

He placed his index finger on my lip and gave me a cold stare which indicated me to shut up.

Hansung: "Do you wonder why I took you away from Namjoon?" He actually sounded like a human being this time. I heard the tonal change in his voice as he spoke whilst his hand caressed my cheek.

"To beat me and use me for your amusement," I sarcastically said breaking whatever feeling he could've had.

Hansung: "No fool."

I laughed at what would've been an offending reply if I wasn't well me.

Hansung: "I took you from him because if I didn't he would've killed you Y/N."

I gasped as he finished his line. Namjoon kidnapped me to kill me that didn't sound right frankly a little weird. Namjoon is sweet. Wait what did I just think. He's nice. Ahh, stop it mind you don't like him you never will. Yes, you do that's why you're arguing. Ugh, I could slap myself.

Hansung looked at me with a baffled expression and I shot him an awkward look.

Hansung: "Can you take anything seriously?"

"So what were you about to say?" I asked trying to avoid eye contact.

Hansung: "Listen Y/N this is serious," he pouted.

"Ahh, I'm listening to you speak PABO!"

Hansung: "You may think Namjoon is sweet cause he gave you that ring to protect you from him but he's not. He only did that to make you fall for him again. Namjoon is a vicious vampire and he's murdered people before and won't hesitate to do it again. He wouldn't hesitate to hurt you again."

Wait how does he know about the ring?


I cut him off from speaking and he didn't look happy about it but I didn't care.

"I won't lay here and listen to you talk lies about your friend!" 

Hansung: "He's not my friend," he spat back.

I felt the heat escape from the pores of tomato red his face. Regret clouded his judgment as tears strung in his eyes threatening to fall. 

"Uh... I-I'm sorry I didn't mean t..."

I was stopped by the feeling of his arms wrapped around me pulling my body closer to him. I couldn't help but give in to the hug. I rest my head on his robust chest and his chin pressed against my head as he gently stroked my hair.

Hansung: "Please don't leave me again Y/N please don't break my heart I can't watch you get hurt by Namjoon please not after what happened that night, please don't go," his voice cracked as his words melted my heart.

I pat his head assuring him that he's okay then I felt his grip on me tighten a bit and his wet tears as they soaked the back of my sweater.

Hansung: "Will you leave me again cookie?"

Why did he call me that? I heard him sniffle, he sounded really depressed and I couldn't stand him crying it took away his bad boy vibes.

"Alright, alright if it'll make you stop I will."

He shot me a charming smile after breaking away from the hug. I smiled back but what I just heard him say was eating me. 

Why was again repeated and why was Namjoon involved? I have to know what is going on. 

Why do I have these dreams of Namjoon?

 And why is Hansung acting so around me?

"Um, Hansung."

Hansung: "Yes cookie," he replied smiling.

"Could you tell me more about Namjoon and what happened on that night?"

Hansung: "Uh- sure but you might want to lay down."

I nod my head and fixed myself comfortably back on the bed.

Hansung: "Alright, here goes. Back when Namjoon and I were still close friends we both had found someone to spend eternity with. Namjoon had finally found a bride that he loved dearly and she loved him as well. I had Kareena or as my nickname for her cookie." His eyes met mine as he continued his story.

 "We decided to celebrate our anniversaries together since we both met someone that changed our lives on the same day (weird right). Namjoon and I wanted it to be a surprise so we each went to get each other's brides (or special someone whatever you want to call it). I got Namjoon's bride to come with me on a "stroll" through the town but when we arrived at the location I saw Namjoon hurrying Kareena into a limo. She was screaming in pain and what he was doing only seemed to make it worse. He got in and the vehicle drove off before I could see what happened to Kareena. Rage engulfed me as I was furious to know why did he do that and so I stopped a cab and hopped in along with his bride. During our journey or chase, I should say we came across the black machine that carried my beloved along with my so-called "friend" who could be hurting her. He noticed me on the other side of the road. Our eyes locked, we stared at each other until the devil struck. I saw was a pair of hands grabbing on to Namjoon's shirt collar pulling him away from the window before everything went black."

As he finished that last sentence a tear escaped from his eye running freely down his cheek before he wiped it away. I tried to prevent the tears that were pooling into my eyes from falling as he ended his story.

 How could Namjoon do that to his friend? That thought buzzed in my head like a busy bee. All of this seems untrue to be real, why would Namjoon ever do this? He seemed so nice to me but he did give me to Hansung despite knowing I'm not his. 

What is Namjoon hiding from me? 

What really happened that day?

All these unanswered questions raced through the endless race track that is my mind anxiously awaiting to be answered. Hansung glanced at me and seem to smile when he saw my baffled expression.

Hansung: "Y/N are you okay for a moment you looked like a lost child in a Carnival," he giggled.

"Oh yeah I'm fine," I said snapping back to reality. 

He brushed away a few strands of hair that were stuck to my face before he bent down, his forehead on mine, and whispered, "Don't worry he won't hurt you anymore." With those words being said he got up and exited the room leaving me starstruck by his story.

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