Chapter 5

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"It's my fault mother is dead and it's my fault Jin got shot in his hand." 

Jin asked: "How is it your fault?"

 Namjoon: "I should have been there to protect you but I wasn't and because of my foolish mistake you got shot." 

Jin sat next to Namjoon and pat him on his back. He then said, "It's not your fault nothing that happened was your fault so please don't blame yourself." He wiped the tears that were about to fall from Namjoon's eyes. Namjoon cheered up a bit.  "Now where's my smile?" Namjoon felt better and was now smiling ear to ear. They all hugged and went off to bed. Soon everyone was sound asleep and had peaceful and happy dreams while Namjoon still had nightmares. His eyes squinted open and in the endless abyss of darkness, an oddly glowing figure caught his attention.  "Namjoon, Namjoon my son wake up." He opened his eyes what he saw nearly made his heart jump out of his chest. There in the darkness was his mother floating right in front of him. She was wearing the same white dress she died in. It was torn and covered in blood and the place she got stabbed had a big hole which brought back petrifying memories to Namjoon. He rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't going insane and looked again and saw the same glowing figure of his mother. "Namjoon my son it is me." "Mother is it really you,"  he asked shivering.  "Yes my son," she replied. He knelt down on his knees and began to cry. "I'm sorry so sorry I should have stayed home and because of me you're dead." 

"Don't cry Namjoon it's not your fault," she said with a comforting voice. 

" You did something no vampire could have done you killed Aria and even though it was a tough task for you, you led your brothers to safety and protected them all these years. I've never been more proud of you."

 He tilted his head down and she floated closer to him and whispered in his ear "I will always be with you no matter what happens. Just know that you have done nothing wrong." He lifted his head and saw his mother disappear. Namjoon suddenly felt sleepy and laid down his weary head and dozed off, being able to sleep peacefully. His mother appeared in each of her son's rooms and said to all of them "I will always be with you my sweet vampires to guide you and protect you" then disappeared.

The next morning the brothers woke up with smiles on their faces and were feeling energetic. They ate breakfast and journeyed deep into the forest to find a new hiding place because they feared the humans would eventually discover their castle. On their journey, they passed the part of the forest their entire vampire race was ended. They were surprised to see that this part of the forest remained the same trees never grew and animals would never inhabit a graveyard. As they passed they could still hear the cries of the children and parents and it triggered memories that would follow them until the end of time. Finally, they arrived at the perfect spot to start afresh. They sat down to rest but Namjoon walked down a bit further to check out the place. Suddenly Jungkook was alerted by a cracking sound. He decided to see what it was. He got up and walked to a thorny bush where he heard the sound come from. Instantly a hand covered his mouth and he could no longer move or breathe all he saw was darkness. A while later Tae noticed Jungkook was missing and began to worry. He informed the rest of them and soon everyone was all over the place looking for Jungkook. Then they found themselves surrounded by humans with stakes, torches, and pitchforks ready to attack.    

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